Services You Can Disable
There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.
There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.
This script was found in one of the alt.msdos.* newsgroups, some time ago. I have found it useful in the past, and hope you do, too.
If Windows Vista is installed on the active partition and you dual boot between Windows Vista and Windows XP, deleting or reformatting the Windows Vista partition prevents Windows XP from starting.
I have scripted ZeroByte.bat to list the fully qualified file names of all zero-byte files in a folder tree.
Using the Active Directory command-line tools, I have scripted NoMembers.bat to display the distinguished name of all domain groups that have no members.
When you receive a STOP error, Windows displays the STOP on a Blue screen, hence the name BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death).
The rules for logon names are:
On a user object, display name is normally the user’s first name followed by their last name, but it can be set to any string.
You may experience intermittent communication failure between computers that are running Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003, if the network adapter is configured to use checksum offloading and the Windows Firewall is turned on. To workaround this behavior, turn off checksum offloading on the network adapter: 1. Open a CMD.EXE window. 2. Type the following command and press… Read More »
If you want to prevent a user logon script from running on a specific Windows Server 2003 computer, like a Terminal Server, you can prevent the Userinit.exe process from running it, by altering the Userinit Value Name at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and by setting the UserInitLoginScript variable to null: