Limit Logged On RDP Users
If you need to limit the number of simultaneously logged on users, for performance, political or any other reason, edit:
If you need to limit the number of simultaneously logged on users, for performance, political or any other reason, edit:
By default, if you delete the C$, D$, etc.. Administrative shares, they will be recreated when you reboot. To disable this feature, edit:
Much has been written about using Performance Monitor to detect and isolate memory leaks. Two KB articles on the subject are Q130926 and Q150934.
Using this registry change, you can control whether the desktop loads before the logon script finishes or not.
Unregister it by typing this at the command line.
SYMPTOMSWhen booting up to Win XP you may get a error that reads “Unmountable Boot Volume”.
If you are the only person using the computer and what to have it automatically log you on.
By default, WindowsXP uses a large amount of hard drive space for storing system restore points.
If you get an error regarding a missing or corrupt hal.dll file, it might simply be the BOOT.INI file on the root of the C: drive that is misconfigured
To change visual effects such as fade menus, mouse shadow, visual styles on buttons, drop shadows for icons, slide open boxes and buttons etc.: