Remove Log Off [Username] from the Start Menu
To remove the Log Off [Username] command from the Start menu, use Registry Editor to modify the following key.
To remove the Log Off [Username] command from the Start menu, use Registry Editor to modify the following key.
This article describes how to restrict Internet Mail from users by filtering messages in the Internet Mail Service connector. When you select this option, all internal users in the organization who use that Internet Mail Service Connector for Internet mail delivery are affected.
This function will allow you to change the extension of files within a specified folder. You can either change the name of all files, or files with a specified extension. A reference to the Scripting Runtime is required. See code comments for details and example.
App.Path returns a string with the “\” character at the end if the path is the root drive (e.g., “C:\”) but without that character if it isn’t (e.g., “C:\Program Files”). Most of the time we need the “\” at the end, so this function saves you the inconvenience of adding it every time.
As with Windows NT, Windows 2000 has an ‘Administrative Tools’ folder on the Start Menu. This folder contains powerful administration utilities and therefore can be hidden to avoid accidental use.
First of all, edbutil /d /r (Exchange 4.0 and 5.0) or eseutil /p (Exchange 5.5) is strictly a last resort for repairing a database file: it fixes only low-level database corruption (bad pages). The isinteg -fix command works at the information store level, fixing objects, schemes, and other high-level data/structure problems. If for some reason you don’t have a backup to restore from or… Read More »
TaskList displays all running applications and services with their Process ID (PID) This can be run on either a local or a remote computer.
Substitute a drive letter for a network or local path. This comes in handy when you want to reference a directory which may have a really long path by a drive letter.
Find the IP address of any remote host. TRACERT is useful for troubleshooting large networks where several paths can be taken to arrive at the same point, or where many intermediate systems (routers or bridges) are involved.
Windows NT diagnostics II