Category Archives: Microsoft

Show Cascading My Documents Folder

This tweak makes the ‘My Documents’ folder on the Start Menu into a cascading folder, which then give you direct access to sub-folders without having to open the main ‘My Documents’ directory first.

Windows NT Short File Extensions

Windows NT evaluates file extensions on the first three characters, therefore ‘filename.html’ is actually treated as ‘filename.htm’. The side affect is that if you use a command such as ‘del *.htm’ to delete all the ‘.htm’ files, you will also delete all ‘.html’ files as well. This functionality can be disabled by modifying the registry.

Run Logon Scripts Synchronously

This setting defines whether the system should wait for the logon scripts to complete before starting the user’s shell. This function can also be controlled on a per user basis by modifing the same value at:

Time-out for NT User Profile Dialog Boxes

When the user is presented with a dialog box requesting User Profile information, this specifies the amount of time in seconds before the dialog box is closed and the default is accepted. The default value is 30 seconds.