Category Archives: Microsoft

How To Find Shared Windows Folders

Microsoft Windows allows files and folders to be shared on a network. These step-by-step instructions explain how to find the list of folders that have been shared on a Windows computer.

Remove the Arrow from Shortcuts

Would you prefer to show your shortcuts without the arrow in the bottom left-hand corner? This tip will show you how to change the arrow icon or remove it completely.

How to Backup Windows XP Home Edition

Your computer cost you from hundreds to thousands of dollars, but the computer itself is not the most valuable part. The data on the hard disk is the most valuable part. How many hours of work did you put into creating that data? One little event, like a power line spike from a lightning strike, and all that… Read More »

How to Speed Up Windows 2000

If you have installed Windows 2000 yet and used it for a while, you probably noticed that it is a pretty fast performer. But depending on how you’re using Windows 2000 and in what type of environment, you can coax even more performance out of it by freeing up extra RAM by disabling system services that are running… Read More »