Category Archives: Microsoft

Active Window Tracking

Active window tracking is a feature in Windows that determines which window becomes active when you hover your mouse pointer over it. Essentially, when you move your mouse over an inactive window, that window automatically becomes the active one without requiring you to click on it explicitly.

Slow Down Vista Aero Animations

If you are really into the slick animations, known as eye candy, that are present in the Vista Aero interface, you might like this fun little registry hack. It slows the animations down a bit, so you can enjoy them a bit more.

Adjust Windows Vista Indexing

Windows Vista works in the background to automatically index all the files in the Start Menu, user profile folders and files setup for offline access by default. If you have many files in these locations and the files change often, the indexing service may slow down your system’s performance. You can adjust the parameters of the indexing service,… Read More »