Category Archives: Exchange

What is the difference between running isinteg – fix and edbutil /d /r or eseutil /p?

First of all, edbutil /d /r (Exchange 4.0 and 5.0) or eseutil /p (Exchange 5.5) is strictly a last resort for repairing a database file: it fixes only low-level database corruption (bad pages). The isinteg -fix command works at the information store level, fixing objects, schemes, and other high-level data/structure problems. If for some reason you don’t have a backup to restore from or… Read More »

Interpreting an SMTP Protocol Log

When the diagnostics logging level of the SMTP protocol log category is set to maximum the complete incoming message transfer is written to the log. To ensure that SMTP logging is enabled check the application event log after the Internet Mail Service is started. If enabled event 2004 is written to the event log. One point to note… Read More »