Category Archives: Exchange

Find Deferred Messages in Exchange

Here is a quick little one liner to find all the deferred messages with FromAddress, Recipients and DeferReason. Get-TransportServer | Get-Queue | ?{$_.Identity -like ‘*submission*’} | get-message -IncludeRecipientInfo | ?{$_.Status -eq ‘Retry’} | select FromAddress,Recipients, DeferReason

Disable creation of Outlook .PST files in Exchange 2003

Create or modify the DWORD registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\DisablePST Set the value to 1 to disable .PST files, or 0 (default) to enable them. Note that .PST files already located in a user”s email profile will still be functional. Therefore, you should manually remove all .PST files from the profile prior to setting this value. This also includes disabling… Read More »

How to troubleshoot Basic SMTP Delivery Problems

The following are basic steps that a mail admin can take to determine the cause of an SMTP mail delivery problem. This procedure assumes that an Exchange IMS is deployed using DNS lookups, rather than forwarding SMTP to an a third part gateway or relay host.

How to Restrict External Internet Mail in Only One Mailbox

This article describes how to restrict Internet Mail from users by filtering messages in the Internet Mail Service connector. When you select this option, all internal users in the organization who use that Internet Mail Service Connector for Internet mail delivery are affected.