Category Archives: Linux

Configuring Network Interfaces in Linux

For us Windows guys, managing Linux systems can be a pain in the butt. Some simple things, like setting or changing network configurations are performed a little differently on Linux systems. Don’t let the command line intimidate you, Windows guys! Here are a few ways to manage network settings for Linux boxes that are pretty painless.

Dual boot Windows and Linux

The internet is full of technical articles, many of which are way too complicated for the average computer user who just wants to solve a simple problem.  If you pay close attention, the internet is also a place where the “gurus” spend a lot of time yelling for help in discussion boards and forums.

vi Command Reference

A table of commands used in the Unix-based vi editing program. Commands include moving the cursor, text insertion and deletion, screen commands, and change commands.

Logoff or Shutdown Linux

Typing logout at the command prompt exits your current user account and returns you to the log-in prompt. (The exit command does the same thing as logout.) To log out from multiple consoles, use alt-Fn to switch between consoles and then log out from each one. But note that even if you log out from all of your active consoles,… Read More »


Mtools is a public domain collection of tools to allow Unix systems to manipulate MS-DOS files: read, write, and move around files on an MS-DOS filesystem


Stand for InterFace CONFIGurator – display your ip address, network interfaces, transferred and received data information, configure a network interface.


Make links between files, by default, it makes hard links; with the ‘-s’ option, it makes symbolic (or “soft”) links.