Category Archives: Humor

You Need More Detail in your Tickets

I am usually not a purveyor of malicious compliance (MC), but I do enjoy reading about the exploits of others in this area. After lurking on r/maliciouscompliance for a number of years, I decided to post my own experience with MC.  Yes, this really did happen.

IT Alignments

Working with the IT department can be challenging.  Here are the different good and evil alignments that you may find familiar.

IT Professional Achievements

I stumbled across a thread containing a bunch of gamer-style achievements for IT folks. Some are humorous, and there are those that you will silently nod your head and agree with.

Are You an IT Old Timer?

I’ve been called graybeard. Old timer. Fossil. Dad. Grandpa. Geezer. I’ve been working in the technology field for over thirty years, so all these descriptors are probably fitting. If you’re not sure you’re an IT old timer, here is a description, and a few definitions for you young people.

Twelve Days of Christmas, SysAdmin Style

I present to you now a classic. This was originally submitted to the Network Working Group as RFC1882 by Bill Hancock, Ph.D., in December of 1995. I revisit this every year, and it never fails to bring a smile to my face. Enjoy this blast from the past.

7 Geek Subspecies

The geek species has many different subspecies. There is a type of geek for just about every subject area in existence. You have food geeks, movie geeks, boating geeks, and more. This being a tech site, I’d thought I’d share a few subspecies from the tech strata.

Having fun with a Phish

As a part of running a website, I am always amused at the attempts made by scammers to part me from my money.  Here is one of the more humorous messages.

What Annoys Me About Trade Shows

Recently, I had the good fortune to attend HP Discover 2013 in Las Vegas, NV. Overall, it was a really good show, at which I learned some really cool new things about HP, as well as new ways of performing the routine stuff.