Turn Off Low Disk Space Checks
This will prevent Windows Vista from checking the space on your hard drive and popping up the notorious “Hey, you”re running out of space!” warning balloon.
This will prevent Windows Vista from checking the space on your hard drive and popping up the notorious “Hey, you”re running out of space!” warning balloon.
Windows Vista’s User Account Control (UAC) is the new operating system’s most universally reviled feature. Sure, it helps protect you, but it also annoys you to no end.
This registry hack will control what happens to AutoPlay when you put a CD into the drive caddy. Researching NoDriveTypeAutoRun, reminds me of a tip that I was given for playing chess; when you find a good move, look for an even better one. Previously I had known about plain AutoRun, but now I have found a more… Read More »
Are you done hitting CTRL+ALT+Delete and login with your username and password every time Windows Vista decides to hibernate or go to sleep. You can disable it from prompting you for this information though.
For faster application loading you can change the prefetch parameters value. Windows perfetcher loads application faster by prefetching the applications and storing it in prefetch cache.
This hack will enable the de-fragmentation of boot files, which may result in reducing the boot time.
This hack will enable the automatic unloading of program associated DLLs from memory when a program ends. This will free the memory and other resources for other running programs.
Yes, you read it right. Windows XP tracks each and every action you take, each and every move you make. It tracks program run by user, the paths followed, the documents used and M$ knows what else. Disable this “feature” will free up system resources and other side effects you may yourself think of.
If you are using your system as a server then file caching is good. If you are using your system as a desktop then file caching is not so good. KEY : HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory ManagementValue Name : LargeSystemCacheValue Type : DWORDPreferred Value : 1 (for servers)Preferred Value : 0 (for desktops)
How to fix the problem when your Administrative Tools folder is empty and contains no icons to click on.