Category Archives: Glossary

Physical Layer Details

The physical layer is level one in the seven-level OSI model of computer networking as well as in the five-layer TCP/IP reference model. It performs services requested by the data link layer.

Session Layer Details

The session layer is level five of the seven level OSI model. It responds to service requests from the presentation layer and issues service requests to the transport layer.

History of the OSI Reference Model

Looking at the origins of the OSI Reference Model takes us back to several issues that were discussed in the Networking Fundamentals chapter of this Guide; specifically, I am talking about standards and standards organizations. The idea behind the creation of networking standards is to define widely-accepted ways of setting up networks and connecting them together. The OSI… Read More »

Network Topology Overview

Here you will learn network topology introduction, how computers get connected, bus, star, hub, hybrid, mesh, tree topologies and network physical design. In Computer Networking “topology” refers to the layout or design of the connected devices. Network Topologies can be physical or logical. In this section I will illustrate on the different types of the topologies.

How to Configure DNS in Windows 2003 Server

DNS or Domain Name System is a general purpose, replicated and name resolution system that resolves the host names into the IP addresses and it stores the information about your host name, domain names on your local network and on internet. The DNS translates the IP address into the domain name and domain name into the IP address.… Read More »

Dell BIOS Beep Codes

Below are the technical causes of each Dell BIOS beep code pattern followed by a short series of steps to resolve the cause of the issue. 

5 Ways To Get Your Website Noticed

Your website is just one of the billion sites parked on the World Wide Web. Chances are, you don’t think yours will ever get noticed. We hear your cries for cyber attention. Here are five ways to get people clicking on to your site.

An ISDN Issue

ISDN has been a much-maligned telecommunications service. Saddled with secondary meanings of “I Still Don’t Need it”, and “I Still Don’t Know”, ISDN may be regaining some respect.

What is EIGRP?

The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) represents an evolution from its predecessor IGRP (refer to Chapter 42, “Interior Gateway Routing Protocol”). This evolution resulted from changes in networking and the demands of diverse, large-scale internetworks.