Category Archives: Glossary

What is FTP?

FTP, which is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol, is a client-server protocol that allows users to transfer files to and from other computers over a TCP/IP network.

Diagnosing Bounced Email

Recently, you may have noticed an increase in the number of “bounced” email messages. This could be partially caused by the upgrade of new anti-spam mechanisms being put into place at many large ISPs and other companies. That is not to say that you shouldn’t”t check your own machine first. But with a little knowledge, you can diagnose… Read More »

Digital Camera Memory Cards

Does it really make a difference what size memory card you use?  To your camera, no; to you, however, it could mean the difference between getting the picture you want or running out of space on your memory card.

Three Steps to Buying Your First Digital Camera

You’ve decided it’s time to buy a digital camera, but which one?  The aisles are full of different brands with different features and a wide variety of prices to match.  The task can be overwhelming.  Following are the three most important things you can do to make the decision easier.:

Working With Computers

Well, we’ve been warned that this time would come – probably from the earlier eighties on. Yes, computers have finally taken over and if you doubt it, we’re here to convince you – but not because we want to or because we can. We want to convince you that if you don’t take the necessary steps to control… Read More »

When Less Is More

When it comes to maintaining your computer, you’ve probably heard it all before. “Run Defrag!” “Scan Your Disk for Errors!” Although these two activities are important, there’s more you can do to extend the life of your computer beyond today’s predicted two-year span. In fact, by following the simple advice below, you can enjoy the use of your… Read More »


Over recent years, computers have become synonymous with viruses and viruses don’t show any signs of disappearing any time soon. In recent news, reported that “Before the month is even done, April has set a record for virus e-mails.”1 In the past, we would be comfortable in telling new computer users not to worry about viruses and… Read More »