Category Archives: Free Stuff

Deploying SystemIdleCheck via GPO

Some users of SystemIdleCheck (SIC) have been confused as to how to deploy the program in large, complex environments, so I’ve put together this guide which details how to deploy the program through Group Policy Objects (GPO). Overview If you manage an Active Directory domain, there are several ways to deploy SIC: In my opinion, the easiest, most reliable, and… Read More »

CSS Template: Back To Basics

I was cruising through some old backups, doing some house cleaning, and I found a trove of old templates that fooled around with, way back in 2002. I thought I’d dust some of them off, and update them a bit. Yes, I have backups going back that far. There some stuff in there going back as far as… Read More »

Columbia SE

Columbia does one thing: ping hosts. It does it well, and the bonus is that you can ping groups of hosts all at once.

Logoff User After Idle

Recently, there was a request for our team to implement a new security requirement for workstations. Specifically, If a user remains logged in, but is idle for a specific period of time, that user should be logged out.  After consulting the interwebs for a few minutes, all I could find were hacky solutions using vbscript, PowerShell, task scheduler,… Read More »

CSS Template: Pend Oreille

The inspiration for this fully W3C compliant “XHTML 1.1 strict” template was Pend Oreille county in eastern Washington State. The clean, uncluttered look of this design would make an appealing online presence for a business or even a blog.