Category Archives: Email

Email and Newsgroup Etiquette

With each day that passes, we become more and more depending on email and other electronic forms of communication. Unfortunately, our etiquette and manners seem to be going out the window as well. Here are a few reminders that might help you get your point across in electronic communications, with fewer ruffled feathers.

Get Your Message Read by Writing Effective Emails

Sometimes email messages can get quite long, especially when you quote much of the material that has been sent in previous emails. Also, emails often get long if you have a lot to say or you need to give a comprehensive overview of a particular business situation.

Diagnosing Bounced Email

Recently, you may have noticed an increase in the number of “bounced” email messages. This could be partially caused by the upgrade of new anti-spam mechanisms being put into place at many large ISPs and other companies. That is not to say that you shouldn’t”t check your own machine first. But with a little knowledge, you can diagnose… Read More »

How to troubleshoot Basic SMTP Delivery Problems

The following are basic steps that a mail admin can take to determine the cause of an SMTP mail delivery problem. This procedure assumes that an Exchange IMS is deployed using DNS lookups, rather than forwarding SMTP to an a third part gateway or relay host.

Seven Ways to Ensure Your Email Gets Read

Do you get so much e-mail every day that you find it hard to read it all? If you’re like a lot of us, you might spend as little as 15 seconds scanning a message to determine how it applies to you. Now, imagine if that’s how people are reading your e-mail. If they can’t quickly identify why… Read More »

Telnet to Port 25 to Test SMTP Communication

This article describes how to telnet to port 25 on a computer that runs Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) services to troubleshoot SMTP communication problems. The information in this article, including error messages, only applies to issues when attempting to resolve SMTP communication issues with Microsoft Exchange-based servers and is not intended for general troubleshooting purposes.