Category Archives: CSS

Cascading Style Sheets

CSS Template: BizCo

This was a quick design for a fictitious company, and has actually been used by a real company, with great success. It was meant to demonstrate horizontal list items, like for navigation, as well as multiple columns within a page.

CSS Template: Yard Work

I can’t speak for everyone, but I thoroughly enjoy working in my yard. Whether it is simply cutting the grass, weeding the garden, or fighting the sticker bush wars, for me there is nothing more zen than playing in the dirt and weeds.

CSS Template: Speedy Blue

Super speedy, blue, and graphics free. This CSS template will have your site flying. This design came about when playing around with layouts for my own site, for which I needed a lightweight, high speed/low drag template, for bandwidth concerns. I’m also a fan of minimalist design, in which there are not a bunch of graphics just… Read More »

CSS Template: The Plan

A magazine-style CSS template for your website, free and original, from This one is based off a layout that I did for a friend. It is loosely a magazine-type layout, with two columns, and plenty of (yet not intrusive) advertising space. The sticky search bar on top is an added bonus, for some anyway.