Center a Button using CSS and HTML
To center a button in CSS and HTML, you may want to center it both horizontally and vertically within a given container. Below are various methods to achieve this:
To center a button in CSS and HTML, you may want to center it both horizontally and vertically within a given container. Below are various methods to achieve this:
To vertically and horizontally center a div, you can use the below shown CSS code.
Have you ever needed to make a circle for your web site, with text inside of it? Normally, you’d create a graphically representation, with the text inside. Did you know you could do it with a simple little CSS class?
The inspiration for this fully W3C compliant “XHTML 1.1 strict” template was Pend Oreille county in eastern Washington State. The clean, uncluttered look of this design would make an appealing online presence for a business or even a blog.
Named for the beautiful Yakima valley in Washington state, this fully W3C compliant “XHTML 4.01 strict” template makes strong use of CSS to stylize basic and extended elements to provide a clean, attractive appearance for your website.
Light and airy, FruitPunch is an XHTML and CSS compliant template. The inspiration was a display at a local farmers market. Just goes to show that inspiration can be anywhere!
I built this one in about 2 hours, start to finish. The idea came after looking around at houses and plans on the interwebs, and checking out the plans of the structures.
Another fresh-baked, free CSS template called “The General”.
Just a little something I whipped up for a fictitious hosting company. Has spaces for price and package information, web 2.0 flavor (whatever that is!), and all the usual stuff.
Nice and clean two-column layout, with a parchment background. Lightweight CSS and HTML make for quick loads, with a classic look.