VB6 Tutorial 16: How to Make an Executable
In this post, I’ll explain how to make an executable or .exe file for your program. Once the .exe file is created, you can distribute the file to the users.
In this post, I’ll explain how to make an executable or .exe file for your program. Once the .exe file is created, you can distribute the file to the users.
Visual Basic provides some excellent ways for input and output operations. Input can be taken using TextBox, InputBox, and output can be shown with the Print method, TextBox, Label, PictureBox and MsgBox.
You are going to learn about the command button control in this lesson. The command button control is a very common one. You need it every now and then in your program. So, lets have a look at some properties including a run-time property.
Some basic properties of Label and TextBox control in Visual Basic 6 are explained in this lesson.
This is the third and final part of the common properties section, in which a description of properties that are common to most VB6 controls.
In this second part of three of the common properties section, we’ll take a quick look at nine more properties that are common to most default VB6 objects.
Common properties are properties that are shared by most objects in the VB6 Toolbox. Some have more, while others have fewer. In this section we’ll start looking at four of them.
An operator in a programming language is a symbol that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform specific mathematical, relational or logical operation and produce final result.
This lesson will cover scoping and lifetime of variables in procedures and modules.
Visual Basic is an event driven programming language. Before proceeding to the next chapter, it is very important to have a good concept of event driven programming.