This is Why I Am Done Giving Away Software

By | 2024-07-13

I have been giving away the results of my hobbies for literally decades, for free, for use by anyone who wants it.  As of today, I will no longer be releasing compiled software to the public for free use.  I’ll still give away the random scripts, design templates, documents, etc., basically anything that can be presented on-screen in a text format.  But no more compiled software.

I recently became aware that SystemIdleCheck, whose main executable is called sic.exe, has been reported as being malware or malicious software.  Actually, it’s been reported as a keylogger several times, and technically it is.  It’s actually a mouse tracker, too. I’ve up-front about these items, as it is the main advertised functionality of the program, as described and documented.  In a nutshell, the program runs in the background and monitors for activity. After a configurable amount of time with no activity from the user, an action is performed.  These actions are:

  • Log the user off
  • Lock the user session
  • Shutdown the computer
  • Restart the computer
  • Do nothing (testing mode)

Check out the page linked above for a full description as to why this program was brought in to being. 

The Latest Report

The most recent report I’ve been made aware of is from a company in Dubai called, and damn, the report they give for sic.exe is one of the more ridiculous fictions that I have seen in a while.  I may be reading this report wrong, but let me elaborate. According to the report, the following are why SystemIdleCheck is malware:

Report ArtifactTrue / FalseComments
SystemIdleCheck has 46 total processesFalseSystemIdleCheck has one process: sic.exe
The program uses Win64 bit architectureFalseIt is a Win32 app written in VB6. (trivial, but included here to show how inaccurate the report is)
Reads from the registry 12,492 timesFalseIt reads six items from the registry to get configuration options set by the system administrator
Writes to the registry 106 timesFalsedoes not have the capability to write to the registry at all
Deletes registry items 24 timesFalsedoes not have the capability to delete items from the registry at all
Executes via Task Scheduler via sipnotify.exeFalsethere is no task scheduler integration, and does not interact with any other processes
Reads internet settings via sipnotify.exeFalsethere is no internet or network functionality, and does not interact with any other processes
Reads system certificates via sipnotify.exeFalsethere is no interaction certs or other auth mechanisms, and does not interact with any other processes
Executes as a Windows service, via EOSNotify.exeFalseNo, not a service.  More of a pseudo service*. And EOSNotify? Really?
Checks supported languagesFalseUser enters configurated string values in their own languages.  Sic.exe doesn’t care.
Reads the computer nameTrueUses the name of the local computer in Windows Event Logs
Manual Execution By UserMaybeCan be executed manually by any authorized user
Reads software policy settingsFalseNope.  
Reads Security Settings of Internet ExplorerFalseNope. Sic.exe doesn’t use the internet or any networking at all.
Has two malicious processesFalsereports PWSH.EXE as a process of this software.  THAT’S POWERSHELL, by MICROSOFT.
Drops 6 suspicious files**WTFReports Microsoft files as suspicious
Two HTTP requestsFalseDoesn’t use networking …
Ten TCP/UDP ConnectionsFalseDoesn’t use networking …
Four DNS RequestFalseDoesn’t use networking …

Notes on Notes

Pseudo Service* 

I call this a pseudo service because it is not registered with the service manager, but does run in the background.  There is no direct user interaction with software, other than the warning that is configured by the system administrator

Dropping Files**

This report, if I read it correctly, says that SystemIdleCheck drops six malicious files, including binaries, text, html, and image files.  However, the files reference pwsh.exe (PowerShell) and SipNotify.exe. PowerShell is, well, PowerShell.  SipNotify is a tool distributed by Microsoft to nag users about the end of support for Windows 7.  SystemIdleCheck does not interact with either of these processes, nor does it drop any files, anywhere.

Process Interaction

Besides the reported interaction with PowerShell and SipNotify, interactions are also reported to take place with:

  • EOSNotify.EXE (Windows 7 End of Service Life Notification nag, by Microsoft)
  • wmpnscfg.exe (Windows Media Player new media device notification, by Microsoft)

All I can say is, “What?”  SystemIdleCheck does not interact with these processes at all.  If you’re still running Windows 7, for which end of support happened on January 14, 2020, that’s on you. I don’t care, and neither does my sofware. If you are still using Windows 7, I would strongly suggest you update to something more current, though.

Take it with a Grain of Salt

Be real aware of who you are believing on the internet.  Not everyone knows what they are doing. I’m not claiming to know everything, I’m just a guy that has gotten tired of being accused of trying to hack the planet. This The report that has been presented by is attributing the actions of Microsoft software to my software. More interesting is the fact that sic.exe is not reported as a keylogger, which it technically is. The difference is that it doesn’t record the user inputs. It simply monitors for keypresses or mouse movements to detect idle states.  Which is the point of the program.  If you want more info on keyloggers, try these pages:

What the Heck is a Keylogger?

What is a Keylogger?

5 Common Phishing Techniques to Watch For

Finally, the End of the Rant

I began tech blogging way back in 2005, and built this site in May, 2007.  SystemIdleCheck was first released in September, 2017. Since then, there have been over 96,000 downloads of the package. I’ve helped people from all areas of society to get this app running in their environments.  The point of this paragraph is to say, if I was trying to hack your data, I think 7 years since releasing the software would be an extremely slow return on investment. All I’ve done for the last 17 (née 19 years) is to help others with the talent that I have. 

So, hey, now that the rant is out of the way, I’m attaching the full VB6 source code for SystemIdleCheck (sic.exe) to this post.  Examine it. You’ll see that there is no magic there. I’ve strung together a bunch of functions to fulfill a need. Do what you want with it. Convert it to some language of your choice. 

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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