How to Use OneDrive on Linux

By | 2024-01-18

If you’ve ever found yourself yearning to seamlessly integrate Microsoft’s cloud storage, OneDrive, into your Linux system, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll navigate the open-source landscape and show you how to access and make the most out of OneDrive on your Linux machine. Let’s dive in!

Wine and Dine with Wine

While there isn’t an official OneDrive client for Linux, fear not! We’ve got Wine, the compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux. Here’s how to set it up:

Install Wine on your Linux distribution. The process varies, so consult your distribution’s package manager or website for guidance.

Download the OneDrive for Windows installer from the official Microsoft website.

Open a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the installer, and run it using Wine. This will initiate the installation process.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Voila! You’ve just tricked OneDrive into thinking it’s on a Windows machine.

OneDrive-D: Bridging the Gap

For a more Linux-native experience, OneDrive-D comes to the rescue. It’s an open-source client that syncs your OneDrive files directly to your Linux desktop. Let’s get it up and running:

Install the required dependencies. This typically includes packages like python3 and python3-pip.

Use pip to install OneDrive-D by running the command: pip3 install onedrive-d.

Once installed, configure OneDrive-D by executing: onedrive-d start.

Follow the prompts to authenticate with your OneDrive account.

Congratulations! OneDrive-D is now keeping your files in sync without breaking a sweat.

Rclone: The Swiss Army Knife of Cloud Storage

For the command-line aficionados, Rclone is a versatile tool that supports a multitude of cloud storage providers, including OneDrive. Here’s how to set it up:

Download Rclone from the official website and follow the installation instructions for your distribution.

Run rclone config in the terminal to set up a new remote. Choose “onedrive” from the list of supported providers and follow the configuration wizard.

Once configured, you can use Rclone commands to copy, sync, and manage your OneDrive files right from the terminal.

Rclone may have a steeper learning curve, but it offers unparalleled flexibility and control.

Insync: A Polished Option for the GUI Lovers

If you prefer a graphical user interface, Insync is a premium solution that brings OneDrive integration to Linux with a polished interface. Here’s how to get started:

Visit the Insync website, download the installer for your distribution, and follow the installation instructions.

Launch Insync, sign in with your OneDrive credentials, and customize your sync preferences.

With a sleek interface and seamless integration, Insync is a fantastic choice for those who appreciate a user-friendly experience.

There you have it – multiple paths to integrate OneDrive seamlessly into your Linux environment. Choose the method that suits your preferences, and elevate your cloud storage game on Linux. 

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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