IT Alignments

By | 2023-05-31

Working with the IT department can be challenging.  Here are the different good and evil alignments that you may find familiar.

Lawful GoodNeutral GoodChaotic Good
Makes a ticket for you before working on your issue.Fixes it for you, but asks you to make a ticket afterward for tracking purposes.Fixes it for you with no tracking at all.
Lawful NeutralNeutralChaotic Neutral
Refuses to work on your issue without a ticket. To do otherwise would be anarchy.Fixes all issues in the order they came in regardless of pressure or bribery. Your emergency is not ITs emergency.Fixes it for you if you bring in a good bribe, like bacon or cookies.
Lawful EvilNeutral EvilChaotic Evil
Forces you to make a ticket, then asks you to justify why your issue is more important than every other ticket.May or may not fix your issue, since obviously the real problem here is you, not your computer.Fixes your issue quickly and cheerfully, then tells the CEO that the servers went down because you were wasting ITs time with your petty problems
Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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