2022 Site Stats

By | 2022-12-29

Another year coming to a close. Here are a few stats behind this website that I found interesting, and you might as well.

Total Page Views1,568,109
Unique IP Addresses90,572
Unique Agents25,229
Visits by Anonymous Users1,559,287
Visits by Registered Users8,822
Total Bans18,526
SQL Injection Attempts8,278
Banned Bots4,662
Bad Neighborhoods3,327
PHP Vulnerability Scans1,399
User Counts
Total Users775
New Users, 20229
New Users, 20218
New Users, 202043
New Users, 2019129
Interaction Counts
Posts, this year7,487
Posts, total10,856
Comments, this year29
Comments, total1,001
Links, total331
Ophion Entries6,446
Ophion Entries, 2022162
Ophion, oldest entry2011-03-12
Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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