Take Note of this Phishing Mail

By | 2020-10-22

There is no specific season for scammers for to try to separate you from your hard earned money, but as we start getting closer to the holidays, expect to see more emails like this.

I received this today, and at first glance, it almost looks valid, and would certainly fool some folks who might not be knowledgeable about what to look for.  So I am sharing this here, in order to maybe help people keep ahold of their cash.

Here is the the message, which you can click to open in a new window:

Amazon Phishing Email

When you see this pop up in your in box, your first instinct might be to click that big orange “Verify account” button. It has a pretty decent quality logo, somewhat good english (kind of falls apart towards the end!), and even has a current date on it. Heck, there’s even a note at the bottom about being from an unmonitored account, which might lull some folks in to thinking this is a legitimate email.

However, before you click that orange button, take a look at the header. There are some really glaring bits of incorrect information up there.

Amazon Phishing Email Indicators

The areas highlighted in yellow are the email addresses of the sender and receiver.  Note that the from email address (from the domain sunkmkbv.com) is not an Amazon.com domain. 

Also note that the To: address is not your email address. These two items alone are huge red flags, which should cause you to first forward the email to stop-spoofing@amazon.com, then immediately mark it is a junk and permanently deleted it. 

Once again, let’s be careful out there, friends and neighbors.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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