Create a Form and place this code inside. Sorry but the comments are in german.
Option Explicit
Dim offx% ' x-offset zur mitte
Dim offy% ' y-offset zur mitte
Dim anz% ' anzahl sterne
Dim bahnx%(100, 180) ' x-tab
Dim bahny%(100, 180) ' y-tab
Dim starwi%(500) ' anz%
Dim starba%(500) ' anz%
Dim cosi(360) ' cos-tab
Dim sini(360) ' sin-tab
Dim st%
Dim wert ' rad in deg
Dim x% ' x-start
Dim y% ' y-start
Dim gr% ' groesse (radius)
Dim i% ' I
Dim ba% ' bahnenindex
Dim wi% ' winkelindex
Dim starbaz% ' bahnenzaehler
Dim starwiz% ' winkelzaehler
Dim by2% ' für mal 2
Dim a%
Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub main()
Dim xoff%
Dim yoff%
xoff% = ScaleWidth / 2 - 160
yoff% = ScaleHeight / 2 - 100
anz% = 400
st% = 10
wert = 3.1415 / 180
x% = -25
y% = 30
gr% = 30
For i% = 0 To 360
sini(i%) = Sin(i% * wert)
cosi(i%) = Cos(i% * wert)
Next i%
For ba% = 0 To 100
gr% = gr% + (ba% / 20)
x% = x% + 4 - (ba% / 40)
y% = y% + 1
For wi% = 0 To 180
by2% = wi% + wi%
bahnx%(ba%, wi%) = sini(by2%) * gr% + x% + xoff%
bahny%(ba%, wi%) = cosi(by2%) * gr% + y% + yoff%
Next wi%
Next ba%
For i% = 0 To anz%
starwi%(i%) = Rnd(Timer) * 45
starba%(i%) = Rnd(Timer) * 100
Next i%
a% = 0
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
For i% = 0 To anz%
starbaz% = starba%(i%)
starwiz% = starwi%(i%)
PSet (bahnx%(starbaz%, starwiz%), bahny%(starbaz%, starwiz%)), 0
starwiz% = starwiz% + 1
starbaz% = starbaz% + 1
If starbaz% > 100 Then
starbaz% = 0
End If
If starwiz% > 180 Then
starwiz% = 0
End If
PSet (bahnx%(starbaz%, starwiz%), bahny%(starbaz%, starwiz%))
starwi%(i%) = starwiz%
starba%(i%) = starbaz%
Next i%
a% = a% + 1
If a% > 10 Then
a% = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.WindowState = vbMaximized
Me.BorderStyle = 0
Me.Appearance = 0
Me.Caption = ""
Me.BackColor = vbBlack
Me.ScaleMode = 3
End Sub