Just a little something to help you do math in different numbering systems.
Option Explicit
'Convert a decimal number in another base
Public Function CBase(ByVal number As Long, ByVal base As Long) As String
'symbols to code the number
Dim r As Long
'verify if there are enought symbols to code the number in the selected base
If base < 2 Or base > Len(chars) Then Exit Function
CBase = ""
Do While number >= base
r = number Mod base
CBase = Mid(chars, r + 1, 1) & CBase
number = number \ base
CBase = Mid(chars, number + 1, 1) & CBase
End Function
'Create a form with a button and two text box,
'in the first text box enter the decimal number to convert
'in the second enter the new base in which the number will be converted
Private Sub Command1_Click()
MsgBox CBase(Val(Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text))
End Sub