This lesson shows you how to work with the ListBox control in Visual Basic 6.
The first thing that you may want to do with the ListBox control is to add items or elements to it. You have two options for that. You can either add items in design-time or in run-time.
Adding items in design time
You can add items to ListBox using the List property.
Setting properties of the listbox control from the properties window:

Adding items in run-time
You can add items to ListBox using the AddItem method.
Private Sub Form_Load() List1.AddItem "England" End Sub
List1 is the name of the listbox.
Deleting an item from ListBox
You can remove an item using the RemoveItem method.
ListBox.RemoveItem n
n is the index of an item. The Index starts from 0, so the index of the second item is 1.
This program will delete the 1st item from ListBox.
Private Sub Form_Load() List1.RemoveItem 0 End Sub
Deleting all items
The Clear method removes all items from the Listbox.
Private Sub Form_Load() List1.Clear End Sub
Number of items in the ListBox
The ListCount property counts items in a ListBox.
Private Sub Form_Load() Form1.Show Print lstCountry.ListCount End Sub
Index number of the recently added item
The NewIndex property gives the index number which is most recently added using the AddItem method.
Private Sub Form_Load() Form1.Show lstCountry.AddItem "England" lstCountry.AddItem "USA" lstCountry.AddItem "Germany" Print lstCountry.NewIndex End Sub
Output: 2
Index number of the currently highlighted item
Index number of the currently highlighted item can be obtained using the ListIndex property. The value of ListIndex is -1 if no item is highlighted.
Private Sub cmdShow_Click() Print lstCountry.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() lstCountry.AddItem "England" lstCountry.AddItem "USA" lstCountry.AddItem "Germany" End Sub
The output is the index number of the currently highlighted item.
The List property
The particular item of the ListBox having index n can be obtained using the List(n) property.
Private Sub Form_Load() Form1.Show lstCountry.AddItem "England" lstCountry.AddItem "USA" lstCountry.AddItem "Germany" Print lstCountry.List(0) End Sub
Currently highlighted item
The text property of ListBox gives the currently highlighted item/string.
Private Sub Command1_Click() Print lstCountry.Text End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() lstCountry.AddItem "England" lstCountry.AddItem "USA" lstCountry.AddItem "Germany" End Sub
Text property to show the currently highlighted item in listbox