VB6 Tutorial 18: Nested If/Else

By | 2018-04-05

In this lesson, I shall take you through the concept of the nested if-else block. The visual basic language provides many convenient ways for conditional operations. This text section shows you one of them, nesting of the simple If blocks.

Nested If-Else

If you have programmed in other languages, you might probably know about nested if-else control flow block. In VB it is the same concept. See the syntax and the examples to capture the concept.

In nested if-else, the structure is little changed, little advanced better to say, from the simple If-Block. Here if the first condition does not satisfy, it looks for the next condition preceded by the ElseIf term, if that too does not satisfy, it looks for the next, and it goes on until the end of the structure.


If Condition Then
ElseIf Condition then
ElseIf Condition Then
End If


a = Val(InputBox("Enter a no."))

If a > 0 Then
    Print "Positive"
ElseIf a < 0 Then
    Print "Negative"
    Print "Zero"
End If

In a nested if-else block, one If-Block can reside in another. See the example below.


'If-statement inside another if-statement 
Dim a As Integer
a = Val(txtNumber.Text)

If a > 0 Then
    Print "Positive"
    If a > 2 Then
        Print "Greater than 2"
        Print "Less than 2"
    End If
    If a < 0 Then
        Print "Negative"
    End If
End If

In VB6 Tutorial 08: Operators & Expressions, Boolean operators were not explained as it would require the concept of If-Else condition to understand. So Boolean operators are covered in this Lesson.

Boolean Operators : And, Or, Not, Xor

And indicates that all expressions are true, Or indicates that one of the expressions or all are true, Not indicates negation, Xor indicates that one of the expressions are true.


Dim num1 As Integer, num2 As Integer
num1 = InputBox("Enter 1st number")
num2 = InputBox("Enter 2nd number")

If (num1 > 0) And (num2 > 0) Then
    MsgBox "Both the numbers are positive"
End If
If (num1 > 0) Or (num2 > 0) Then
    MsgBox "Either 1st number or 2nd number or both are positive"
End If
If Not (num1 = 0) Then
    MsgBox "The first number is non-zero"
End If

If (num1 > 0) Xor (num2 > 0) Then
    MsgBox "Either 1st number or 2nd number is positive"
End If

See the attached project for examples.

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