When your application makes connections to remote computers, it is usually a good idea to check to see if the remote machine is up and responding prior to attempting a connection to it. Pinging a machine is one way to do it.
Visual Basic 6 doesn’t have a built in method to perform an ICMP echo request (ie, Ping). But thankfully, we can leverage the Windows API to make it happen. The following function takes an IP address as input, then returns a boolean success/fail depending on the results of the ping.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetRTTAndHopCount Lib "iphlpapi.dll" _
(ByVal lDestIPAddr As Long, _
ByRef lHopCount As Long, _
ByVal lMaxHops As Long, _
ByRef lRTT As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function inet_addr Lib "wsock32.dll" _
(ByVal cp As String) As Long
Public Function SimplePing(sIPadr As String) As Boolean
Dim lIPadr As Long
Dim lHopsCount As Long
Dim lRTT As Long
Dim lMaxHops As Long
Dim lResult As Long
Const SUCCESS = 1
lMaxHops = 20
lIPadr = inet_addr(sIPadr)
SimplePing = (GetRTTAndHopCount(lIPadr, lHopsCount, lMaxHops, lRTT) = SUCCESS)
End Function
Sample usage:
ret = SimplePing("")