Calculate Subnet Mask Function

By | 2012-09-16

Most developers don’t have much of a clue about network fundamentals. What may be a simple thing for a network engineer or system administrator may leave a developer simply scratching his or her head.

This function can help those developers out there that need to figure out what to put into the subnet mask field of their network configuration.

Insert the first and last IP address of your range and it will calculate the subnet mask that fits these values with the starting and ending address for this subnet.


Dim MySubnet as String
MySubnet = CalculateSubnetMask("","")

And here is the code for the function. Simply paste this into a module, and you should be good to go.

Function CalculateSubnetMask(HighIP As String, LowIP As String) As String
  'Insert the first and last IP address of your range and it will calculate the subnet mask
  'that fits these values with the starting and ending address for this subnet.

  'get the high numbers

  If UBound(Split(HighIP, ".")) = 3 Then

    PrevPos = 0
    For x = 1 To 4

      Pos = InStr(PrevPos + 1, HighIP, ".", 1)
      If x = 4 Then Pos = Len(HighIP) + 1
        Num = Int(Mid(HighIP, PrevPos + 1, Pos - PrevPos - 1))
        PrevPos = Pos
        Select Case x
          Case 1
            highnumber4 = Num
          Case 2
            highnumber3 = Num
          Case 3
            highnumber2 = Num
          Case 4
            highnumber1 = Num
        End Select


  End If

  'get the Low numbers

  If UBound(Split(LowIP, ".")) = 3 Then
    PrevPos = 0
    For x = 1 To 4
      Pos = InStr(PrevPos + 1, LowIP, ".", 1)
      If x = 4 Then Pos = Len(LowIP) + 1
      Num = Int(Mid(LowIP, PrevPos + 1, Pos - PrevPos - 1))
      PrevPos = Pos
      Select Case x
        Case 1
          lownumber4 = Num
        Case 2
          lownumber3 = Num
        Case 3
          lownumber2 = Num
        Case 4
          lownumber1 = Num
      End Select
  End If

  'Set up result variables.
  Dim subnetmask4 As Integer
  Dim subnetmask3 As Integer
  Dim subnetmask2 As Integer
  Dim subnetmask1 As Integer

  'Figure out the higest bit that changes.
  'We do this by first doing a binary xor of the low and high numbers.
  subnetmask4 = highnumber4 Xor lownumber4
  subnetmask3 = highnumber3 Xor lownumber3
  subnetmask2 = highnumber2 Xor lownumber2
  subnetmask1 = highnumber1 Xor lownumber1

  'Then we round it up to the next most significant digit.
  subnetmask4 = roundup(subnetmask4)
  subnetmask3 = roundup(subnetmask3)
  subnetmask2 = roundup(subnetmask2)
  subnetmask1 = roundup(subnetmask1)

  'Figure out which set of numbers changes, then set the lower numbers from it to 0.
  If (subnetmask4 < 255) Then
    subnetmask3 = 0
    subnetmask2 = 0
    subnetmask1 = 0
  End If

  If (subnetmask3 < 255) Then
    subnetmask2 = 0
    subnetmask1 = 0
  End If

  If (subnetmask2 < 255) Then subnetmask1 = 0

  CalculateSubnetMask = subnetmask4 & "." & subnetmask3 & "." & subnetmask2 & "." & subnetmask1

End Function

Function roundup(subnetmaskx As Integer) As Integer 'We need to figure out the most significant bit, then set the subnetmaskx to that number.

  Select Case subnetmaskx
    Case Is = 0
      roundup = 255
    Case Is < 2
      roundup = 254
    Case Is < 4
      roundup = 252
    Case Is < 8
      roundup = 248
    Case Is < 16
      roundup = 240
    Case Is < 32
      roundup = 224
    Case Is < 64
      roundup = 192
    Case Is < 128
      roundup = 128
    Case Is < 256
      roundup = 0
    Case Else
      roundup = 0
  End Select
End Function

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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