Run Control Panel Applets from a Command Prompt

By | 2008-11-15

This handy little chart shows you which commands to issue at the command prompt to start control panel applets. Very handy for keyboard commandos.

Applet NameFilename
Accessibility Controlsaccess.cpl
Add/Remove Programs controlappwiz.cpl
Add Hardware Wizardhdwwiz.cpl
Automatic Updateswuaucpl.cpl
Date/Time Properties controltimedate.cpl
Display Properties controldesk.cpl or control desktop
Display Properties “Appearance Tab Preselected”control color
Disk Managementdskmgmt.cpl
Find Fast controlfindfast.cpl
Fonts Folder controlfonts
Folders Propertiescontrol folders
Game Controllersjoy.cpl
Internet Properties controlinetcpl.cpl
Keyboard Properties controlmain.cpl or control keyboard
Mouse Properties controlmain.cpl or control mouse
Multimedia Properties controlmmsys.cpl
Network Properties controlnetcpl.cpl
Password Properties controlpassword.cpl
Printers Folder controlprinters
Power Configurationpowercfg.cpl
Printers and Faxescontrol printers
Regional Settingsintl.cpl
Sound and Audio Devices control panelmmsys.cpl
System Properties controlsysdm.cpl
Windows Firewallfirewall.cpl

This comes in especially handy if you are supporting someone else’s computer, who may not have the rights to perform a particular task. You can couple the above information with the RunAs command, specifying your account information (that has admin rights to the requested applet), and gain proper access. Here is an example:

runas /user:computername\Administrator "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl"

Replace “computername” with either the domain or the name of the pc, and “Administrator” with the name of the account that has administrative rights on the system. This particular example opens the System applet.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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