What is Perms.EXE?

By | 2007-04-24

Display a user’s ACL access permissions for a file. Output from PERMS may be misleading in cases where a user has inherited permission through membership of an NT workgroup. [First released in the NT4 Resource Kit]

      PERMS [account] [path] options
Key   account : username or [domain\|computer\]username
   path    : name of a file or folder in any legal format
             including UNC names
             Wildcards are permitted.
   /i      : interactively logged on to the computer
             where the path resides.
             (rather than being connected via the network)
   /s      : include subfolders
Access  Description  
R  Read file/folder.
W  Write file/folder.  
X  Execute file.  
D  Delete file or folder. May be inherited from the parent folder
   via ''Delete Subfolder and Files'' permission.
P  Change Permission.  
O  Take Ownership.  
A  General All  
-  No Access
*  The specified user is the owner of the file or folder.  
#  A group the user is a member of owns the file or folder.  
?  Permisssions cannot be determined.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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