By | 2005-11-01

Move a file from one folder to another


MOVE [options] [Source] [Target]


source : The path and filename of the file(s) to move.
target : The path and filename to move file(s) to.

options: (Windows 2000 only)

/Y Suppress confirmation prompt.
/-Y Enable confirmation prompt.

Both Source and Target may be either a folder or a single file. The source may include wildcards (but not the destination). 

Under Windows 2000 the default action is to prompt on overwrites unless the command is being executed from within a batch script. To force the overwriting of destination files under both NT4 and Windows2000 use the COPYCMD environment variable:


This will turn off the prompt in Win2000 and will be ignored by NT4 (which overwrites by default). 


In the current folder

MOVE oldfile.wp newfile.doc

Full path specified

MOVE g:\department\oldfile.wp "c:\Files to Convert\newfile.doc"

Specify the drive and filename (assumes the current folder on both drives is correct)

MOVE a:oldfile.wp c:newfile.doc

Specify source only (will copy the file to current folder, keeping the same filename)

MOVE g:\department\oldfile.wp 

Quiet move (no feedback on screen)

MOVE oldfile.wp newfile.doc >nul

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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