Web Server example Code version .3a FIXED (2nd)

By | 2002-06-13

This is an example project on how to create a web server. I looked on this site and haven’t seen any, so i decided to make one. I commented everythign as much as i could. Let me know what you think about it 🙂 This code has been updated. I removed the pause of .4 seconds and moved the code to sckWS_SendComplete. I want to thank Ron for letting me know that it would slow it down. 🙂 Please post any suggestions/improvments or just your thoughts on it. 🙂
‘v .2a fixed: some loading problems
‘v .3a fixed: fixed the $ip linking problem, everything works now. 🙂
‘ also fixed: i made the project compatible with vb5 by removing the replace
‘ function.
‘ Creating a link to another page
‘ To link to another page, link to ‘http://$ip/page_name.html’
‘The webserver will replace $ip with your ip. The webserver also
‘supports files in other directories in the html dir. You could link
‘to test.html in the directory ‘links’ by linking to:
‘ http://$ip/links/test.html

‘ pat – nymainst@nais.com
Please visit my webpage @ http://momar.net/pat 🙂

Original Author: Pat


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Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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