Word Magic

By | 2002-06-01

This program allows simple desktop access the the Microsoft Word spelling and thesaurus engine using OLE Automation.
You can Spell Check, Produce Anangrams, use the Thesaurus and look up the meaning of words. THIS IS A COMPLETE WORKING APPLICATION

Original Author: Richard Lowe


Must have Microsoft Word Installed


'Start a new project
'add a ComboBox named cboInput
'add a ListBox named lstDisplay
'add a Command Button named cmdHelp caption Help
'add a Command Button named cmdExit caption Exit
'add 4 Command Buttons (command array) named
'cmdAction(0) caption Spelling
'cmdAction(1) caption Wildcard
'cmdAction(2) caption Anagarm
'cmdAction(3) Caption Lookup
'In the Project/References menu option tick the reference for
'Microsoft Word 8.0 Object Library
'paste the following code
Option Explicit
'== Author : Richard Lowe
'== Date : June 99
'== Contact : riklowe@hotmail.com
'== Desciption
'== This program enable quick and easy desktop access to
'== the Microsoft Word spelling and thesaurus engine.
'== Version History
'== 1.0 06-Jun-99 RL Initial Release. Spelling Only
'== 1.1 07-Jun-99 RL Added Widcard, Anagram and Lookup
'== 1.2 08-Jun-99 RL Added Help
'Define constants
Const HeightLimit = 5000
Const WidthLimit = 5640
'Dimension variables
Dim objMsWord As Word.Application
Dim SugList As SpellingSuggestions
Dim sug As SpellingSuggestion
Dim synInfo As SynonymInfo
Dim synList As Variant
Dim AntList As Variant
Private Sub cmdAction_Click(Index As Integer)
' dimension local variables
Dim strTemp As String
Dim blnRet As Boolean
Dim iCount As Integer
' Asign an error handler
On Error GoTo eh_Trap:
' If cboInput has changed, add it as an entry to the list
If cboInput.List(0) <> cboInput Then
  cboInput.AddItem cboInput, 0
End If

'Assign the objMsWord object reference to the Word application
Set objMsWord = New Word.Application

'Due to a bug, you have to open a file to use GetSpellingSuggestions
'This is documented in Q169545 on microsoft knowledge base
objMsWord.WordBasic.FileNew  'open a doc
objMsWord.Visible = False  'hide the doc

' clear display area

' select which button has been pressed
Select Case Index
Case 0
  blnRet = objMsWord.CheckSpelling(cboInput)
'if incorrectly spelt, check for suggestions. Iterate and display
  If blnRet = True Then
   lstDisplay.AddItem "OK"
   Set SugList = objMsWord.GetSpellingSuggestions(cboInput, _
   If SugList.Count = 0 Then
    lstDisplay.AddItem "No suggestions"
    For Each sug In SugList
     lstDisplay.AddItem sug.Name
    Next sug
   End If
  End If
Case 1
  Set SugList = objMsWord.Application.GetSpellingSuggestions(cboInput, _
'If entries found, Iterate and display
  If SugList.Count = 0 Then
   lstDisplay.AddItem "No suggestions"
   For Each sug In SugList
    lstDisplay.AddItem sug.Name
   Next sug
  End If
Case 2
  Set SugList = objMsWord.GetSpellingSuggestions(cboInput, _
'If entries found, Iterate and display
  If SugList.Count = 0 Then
   lstDisplay.AddItem "No suggestions"
   For Each sug In SugList
    lstDisplay.AddItem sug.Name
   Next sug
  End If
Case 3
'Assign the synInfo object reference to the Word Synonym Information
  Set synInfo = objMsWord.SynonymInfo(cboInput)
  lstDisplay.AddItem "--- MEANING ---"
'If entries found, Iterate and display
  If synInfo.MeaningCount >= 2 Then
   synList = synInfo.MeaningList
   For iCount = 1 To UBound(synList)
    lstDisplay.AddItem synList(iCount)
   Next iCount
   lstDisplay.AddItem "None"
  End If
  lstDisplay.AddItem "--- SYNONYM ---"
'If entries found, Iterate and display
  If synInfo.MeaningCount >= 2 Then
   synList = synInfo.SynonymList(2)
   For iCount = 1 To UBound(synList)
    lstDisplay.AddItem synList(iCount)
   Next iCount
   lstDisplay.AddItem "None"
  End If
  Set synInfo = Nothing
End Select

'Clean exit point
Set objMsWord = Nothing
Exit Sub
'Error Handler

lstDisplay.AddItem Err & vbTab & Error$
Resume eh_exit:

End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdHelp_Click()
'Display help information in the viewing area

lstDisplay.AddItem "Spelling "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Enter a word into the box above, press 'Spelling'"
lstDisplay.AddItem "Correctly spelt words will display 'OK'"
lstDisplay.AddItem "Incorrectly spelt words will display a list of "
lstDisplay.AddItem "choices that most closely match the word"
lstDisplay.AddItem " "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Wildcard "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Enter a word into the box above, press 'Wildcard'"
lstDisplay.AddItem "Use a ? to indicate an unkown letter"
lstDisplay.AddItem "Use a * to indicate muliple unkown letters"
lstDisplay.AddItem "Examples (?) - Cl?se, Un?no?n "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Examples (*) - Cl*, C*e"
lstDisplay.AddItem " "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Anangram "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Enter a word into the box above, press 'Anagram'"
lstDisplay.AddItem "The program will find all words in the "
lstDisplay.AddItem "dictionary containing those letters "
lstDisplay.AddItem " "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Lookup "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Enter a word into the box above, press 'Lookup'"
lstDisplay.AddItem "The program will find the meaning and synonym "
lstDisplay.AddItem "for the word from the dictionary "
lstDisplay.AddItem " "
lstDisplay.AddItem "General "
lstDisplay.AddItem "Double click on an entry in this list box"
lstDisplay.AddItem "and it will be transfered to the box above."
lstDisplay.AddItem "Use the up and down arrows on the keyboard "
lstDisplay.AddItem "or select the arrow at the right hand side "
lstDisplay.AddItem "of the above box, to scroll through all of "
lstDisplay.AddItem "the word you have entered."
lstDisplay.AddItem ""
lstDisplay.AddItem "Please e-mail any comments / suggestions to"
lstDisplay.AddItem "me - It's great to get feedback."
lstDisplay.AddItem "My e-mail address is riklowe@hotmail.com"
lstDisplay.AddItem ""

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
'Do not let the screen size get to small, so that the button
'are always visible
Select Case Me.WindowState
Case vbNormal
  If Me.Height < HeightLimit Then
   Me.Height = HeightLimit
  End If
  lstDisplay.Height = Me.Height - 1000
  Me.Width = WidthLimit
Case Else
End Select

End Sub
Private Sub lstDisplay_DblClick()
'Move entry from listbox into combo box

cboInput.AddItem lstDisplay, 0
cboInput.ListIndex = 0

End Sub

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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