‘ Creates a color bar background for a ListView when in
‘ report mode. Passing the listview and picturebox allows
‘ you to use this with more than one control. You can also
‘ change the colors used for each by passing new RGB color
‘ values in the optional color parameters.
Original Author: unknown
‘ Required – cListView As ListView
‘ Required – cColorBar As PictureBox
‘ Optional – lColor1 As Long
‘ Optional – lColor2 As Long
‘ Add the following line of code to your program,
‘ replacing “lvListView” and “picColorBar” with the
‘ names of your own control values. The color values
‘ are optional; while the default is Green/White,
‘ these create gray bars.
‘ SetColorBar lvListView, picColorBar, &HC0C0C0, &H808080
Side Effects
‘ Sets ListView Picture to none if not in report
‘ mode or on error condition.
Public Sub SetColorBar(cListView As ListView, cColorBar As PictureBox, Optional lColor1 As Long = &HE2F1E3, Optional lColor2 As Long = vbWhite)
' Creates a color bar background for a ListView when in
' report mode. Passing the listview and picturebox allows
' you to use this with more than one control. You can also
' change the colors used for each by passing new RGB color
' values in the optional color parameters.
Dim iLineHeight As Long
Dim iBarHeight As Long
Dim lBarWidth As Long
On Error GoTo SetColorBarError
' set picture to none and exit sub if not in report mode
If Not cListView.View = lvwReport Then GoTo SetColorBarError
' these can be commented out if the cColorBar control
' is set correctly.
cColorBar.AutoRedraw = True
cColorBar.BorderStyle = vbBSNone
cColorBar.ScaleMode = vbTwips
cColorBar.Visible = False
' set the alignment to "Tile" and you only need
' two bars of color.
cListView.PictureAlignment = lvwTile
' needed because ListView does not have "TextHeight"
cColorBar.Font = cListView.Font
' set height to a single line of text plus a
' one pixel spacer.
iLineHeight = cColorBar.TextHeight("|") + Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
' set color bars to 3-line wide.
iBarHeight = iLineHeight * 3
lBarWidth = cListView.Width
' resize the cColorBar picturebox
cColorBar.Height = iBarHeight * 2
cColorBar.Width = lBarWidth
' paint the two bars of color
cColorBar.Line (0, 0)-(lBarWidth, iBarHeight), lColor1, BF
cColorBar.Line (0, iBarHeight)-(lBarWidth, iBarHeight * 2), lColor2, BF
' set the cListView picture to the
' cColorBar image
cListView.Picture = cColorBar.Image
Exit Sub
' clear cListView's picture and then exit
cListView.Picture = LoadPicture("")
End Sub