This revised code finally supports the MP3 “Genre” tag (WinAMP 2.22+ compliant).
Loads of you have emailed me requesting this facility – I think this is the first such VB code to support it! Easy to implement and the new genre routine is compact. It was a right pain in the arse collecting the Genre descriptions 😉 Note:- A demonstration app is availble from my homepage…
Original Author: Leigh Bowers
Cut and paste this into a VB Class Module (clsMP3Snatch.cls for exmaple).
For demonstration code to acompany this class module, drop by my home page…
Side Effects
This “Split” instruction *may* be VB6 only – I’m not 100% sure.
Option Explicit
' Title: MP3 Snatch
' Author: Leigh Bowers
' Version: 2.0
' Released: 1st June 1999
' WWW:
' Email:
' News: Added "Genre" functionality (WinAMP compliant)
Private sFilename As String
Private Type Info
sTitle As String * 30
sArtist As String * 30
sAlbum As String * 30
sComment As String * 30
sYear As String * 4
sGenre As String * 21 ' NEW
End Type
Private MP3Info As Info
Public Property Get Filename() As String
Filename = sFilename
End Property
Public Property Let Filename(ByVal sPassFilename As String)
Dim iFreefile As Integer
Dim lFilePos As Long
Dim sData As String * 128
Dim sGenreMatrix As String
Dim sGenre() As String
' Genre
sGenreMatrix = "Blues|Classic Rock|Country|Dance|Disco|Funk|Grunge|" + _
"Hip-Hop|Jazz|Metal|New Age|Oldies|Other|Pop|R&B|Rap|Reggae|Rock|Techno|" + _
"Industrial|Alternative|Ska|Death Metal|Pranks|Soundtrack|Euro-Techno|" + _
"Ambient|Trip Hop|Vocal|Jazz+Funk|Fusion|Trance|Classical|Instrumental|Acid|" + _
"House|Game|Sound Clip|Gospel|Noise|Alt. Rock|Bass|Soul|Punk|Space|Meditative|" + _
"Instrumental Pop|Instrumental Rock|Ethnic|Gothic|Darkwave|Techno-Industrial|Electronic|" + _
"Pop-Folk|Eurodance|Dream|Southern Rock|Comedy|Cult|Gangsta Rap|Top 40|Christian Rap|" + _
"Pop/Punk|Jungle|Native American|Cabaret|New Wave|Phychedelic|Rave|Showtunes|Trailer|" + _
"Lo-Fi|Tribal|Acid Punk|Acid Jazz|Polka|Retro|Musical|Rock & Roll|Hard Rock|Folk|" + _
"Folk/Rock|National Folk|Swing|Fast-Fusion|Bebob|Latin|Revival|Celtic|Blue Grass|" + _
"Avantegarde|Gothic Rock|Progressive Rock|Psychedelic Rock|Symphonic Rock|Slow Rock|" + _
"Big Band|Chorus|Easy Listening|Acoustic|Humour|Speech|Chanson|Opera|Chamber Music|" + _
"Sonata|Symphony|Booty Bass|Primus|Porn Groove|Satire|Slow Jam|Club|Tango|Samba|Folklore|" + _
"Ballad|power Ballad|Rhythmic Soul|Freestyle|Duet|Punk Rock|Drum Solo|A Capella|Euro-House|" + _
"Dance Hall|Goa|Drum & Bass|Club-House|Hardcore|Terror|indie|Brit Pop|Negerpunk|Polsk Punk|" + _
"Beat|Christian Gangsta Rap|Heavy Metal|Black Metal|Crossover|Comteporary Christian|" + _
"Christian Rock|Merengue|Salsa|Trash Metal|Anime|JPop|Synth Pop"
' Build the Genre array (VB6+ only)
sGenre = Split(sGenreMatrix, "|")
' Store the filename (for "Get Filename" property)
sFilename = sPassFilename
' Clear the info variables
MP3Info.sTitle = ""
MP3Info.sArtist = ""
MP3Info.sAlbum = ""
MP3Info.sYear = ""
MP3Info.sComment = ""
' Ensure the MP3 file exists
If Dir(sFilename) = "" Then Exit Property
' Retrieve the info data from the MP3
iFreefile = FreeFile
lFilePos = FileLen(sFilename) - 127
Open sFilename For Binary As #iFreefile
Get #iFreefile, lFilePos, sData
Close #iFreefile
' Populate the info variables
If Left(sData, 3) = "TAG" Then
MP3Info.sTitle = Mid(sData, 4, 30)
MP3Info.sArtist = Mid(sData, 34, 30)
MP3Info.sAlbum = Mid(sData, 64, 30)
MP3Info.sYear = Mid(sData, 94, 4)
MP3Info.sComment = Mid(sData, 98, 30)
MP3Info.sGenre = sGenre(Asc(Mid(sData, 128, 1)))
End If
End Property
Public Property Get Title() As String
Title = RTrim(MP3Info.sTitle)
End Property
Public Property Get Artist() As String
Artist = RTrim(MP3Info.sArtist)
End Property
Public Property Get Genre() As String
Genre = RTrim(MP3Info.sGenre)
End Property
Public Property Get Album() As String
Album = RTrim(MP3Info.sAlbum)
End Property
Public Property Get Year() As String
Year = MP3Info.sYear
End Property
Public Property Get Comment() As String
Comment = RTrim(MP3Info.sComment)
End Property