
By | 2002-06-01

I received a request from someone on help with a problem in deleting
temporary files. It seems that they needed to delete all temporary files
except for those with the current date. This subroutine was the result, and I
though it would be good for those of you struggling with how to use the Dir and GetAttr
and SetAttr functions in VB

Original Author: Jack Rizzo


Full path to the target directory including the drive letter and the extension type
to be deleted



Side Effects

Create a project with a single form and a command button and paste this code
into it.


Private Sub Command1_Click()
KillFiles "C:windows emp", ".tmp"
End Sub
Public Sub KillFiles(FilePath As String, Extension As String)
Dim curfile As String
Dim mydate As String
Dim tgtdate As String
Dim tgtpath As String
Dim oldpath As String
Dim indx As Integer
Dim attr As Integer
On Error GoTo TrapError
oldpath = CurDir      'Save Current Path and drive'
mydate = Format(Day(Now), "##00") 'Force current date to 2 digits
ChDrive FilePath         'make sure we change drive
ChDir FilePath          'and path to correct place
'Build full target path variable
If Right(FilePath, 1) = "" Then
  tgtpath = FilePath & "*" & Extension
  tgtpath = FilePath & "*" & Extension
End If
' Get first target extension file in directory
curfile = Dir(tgtpath, vbNormal)
' Loop through directory of all extension files
While curfile <> ""
  tgtdate = FileDateTime(curfile)  'get file date
  indx = InStr(1, tgtdate, "/")   'find first date slash
  tgtdate = Mid(tgtdate, indx + 1) 'move in data
  indx = InStr(1, tgtdate, "/")   'find second slash
  tgtdate = Format(Left(tgtdate, indx - 1), "##00") 'form 2 digit date
  ' Check to see if the dates are the same
  ' if not, delete the file
  If tgtdate <> mydate Then
    ' check attributes for readonly, system and hidden files
    attr = GetAttr(curfile) And 31 ' and out unwanted bits
    If attr <> 0 Then 'file is special
     resp = MsgBox(curfile & " Is protected ... Delete?", vbYesNo)
     If resp = vbYes Then
       SetAttr curfile, vbNormal 'reset attributes so u can delete
       Kill curfile   ' delete the file
     End If
     Kill curfile ' file is normal file .. delete it
    End If
  End If
  curfile = Dir() ' get next file
ChDrive oldpath 'restore original drive
ChDir oldpath  'restore original path
Exit Sub
  MsgBox Error(Err) & " on " & curfile
  Resume Next
End Sub

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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