This code will open a DAT file in the c:windowshistory folder and pull out all sites visited
Original Author: Chris Wells
For the Index.dat file the displacement is set to 119 for other files I have
set the displacement to 15.
For the Index.dat file the delimiter, or search string, is “URL “
For other files I have used “Visited: “
This example uses the Index.dat file, but you can easily modify it to get the others by making the documented changes to the code.
API Declarations
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim iDisplacement As Integer
Dim iURLCount As Integer
Dim sDelimiter As String
Dim sData As String
Dim sURLs(1 To 1000) As String
Dim IEHistoryFile As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim x As Integer
'For the Index.dat file the displacement is set to 119 for other files I 'have set the displacement to 15.
iDisplacement = 119 'Index.dat = 119
sDelimiter = "URL " '"Visited: "
IEHistoryFile = "index.dat" 'Could also me an MM DAT file in History folder
'For the Index.dat file the delimiter, or search string, is "URL "
'For other files I have used "Visited: "
'This is the History DAT file. I use Index.dat for this example, but there are MM files
Open "c:windowshistory" & IEHistoryFile For Binary As #1
sData = Space$(LOF(1)) 'Data Buffer
Get #1, , sData 'Places all data from file into buffer , sData
Close #1 'Closes file
i = InStr(i + 1, sData, sDelimiter) 'Looks for sdelimiter in sdata
iURLCount = 0 'Sets URLCount to 0 because this is the beginning for the file
While i < Len(sData)
iURLCount = iURLCount + 1 'Keeps a count of how manu URLs are in the file
If i > 0 Then
j = InStr(i + iDisplacement - 1, sData, Chr$(0))
'Place URL in an array
sURLs(iURLCount) = Mid$(sData, i + iDisplacement, j - (i + iDisplacement))
End If
i = InStr(i + 1, sData, sDelimiter) 'Index = URL
If i = 0 Then GoTo EndURLs 'If there are no more URLs then stop looping
'This prints all URLs in Array in the debug window so you can see them
For x = 1 To iURLCount
Debug.Print sURLs(x)
Next x
End Sub