Class module for resizing/repositioning controls on a form. See source code for details.
Original Author: John Buzzurro
see source code
see source code
see source code
' Class for scaling/repositioning controls on a form
' 10-22-1998
' John Buzzurro
' Copyright (c) 1998 by John Buzzurro
' A) To give your form resizing ability:
' 1) Create an instance of this class
' 2) Set the SourceForm property of this class = your form
' 3) In your Form_Resize() event handler, call the ScaleControls() method of
' this class
' 4) Optional - To refine the type of scaling/positioning of a control:
' Set the .Tag property of the control to a string containing an "@" sign
' followed by any of the following, separated by commas: T,L,H,W,
' Where T = Adjust control's Top position
' L = Adjust control's Left position
' H = Adjust control's height
' W = Adjust control's width
' Example: "@T,L"
' Note that if the .Tag property does not start with a "@", the resizer
' assumes "@T,L,H,W"; If the .Tag property is set only to "@", the
' resizer will not attempt to reposition or resize the control.
' B) If you Add or Remove controls at runtime, OR you adjust the height or
' width of the form programmatically at runtime, you MUST call the
' ReInitialize() method of this class.
' C) For Image controls, you need to set the Stretch property to True for the
' control to properly resize.
' Option Explicit
' Dim mcFormResize As New clsFormResize
' Private Sub Form_Load()
' mcFormResize.SourceForm = Me
' End Sub
' Private Sub Form_Resize()
' mcFormResize.ScaleControls
' End Sub
Option Explicit
' Information we store about a control
Private Type tControlPosition
cControl As Control ' Reference to the control instance
nLeft As Long ' Original Left pos
nTop As Long ' Original Top pos
nWidth As Long ' Original Width
nHeight As Long ' Original Height
End Type
' Module-scope storage
Private mfSourceForm As Form ' The form we are resizing
Private mnLastWidth As Long ' Original form width
Private mnLastHeight As Long ' Original form height
Private matControlPos() As tControlPosition ' Array for storing control info
Private mbIsFirstTime As Boolean ' Flag indicating first time scale
' Property: SourceForm (get)
' Returns the form object to which this CFormMetric instance belongs
Public Property Get SourceForm() As Form
Set SourceForm = mfSourceForm
End Property
' Property: SourceForm (put)
' Sets the form object to which this CFormMetric instance belongs
Public Property Let SourceForm(ByVal vNewValue As Form)
Set mfSourceForm = vNewValue
End Property
' Method: ScaleControls()
' Adjusts the size and position of the form's controls relative to
' the current form size
Public Sub ScaleControls()
Dim sFlags As String, _
sTemp As String
Dim nDeltaLeft As Long, _
nDeltaTop As Long, _
nDeltaWidth As Long, _
nDeltaHeight As Long, _
nTextHeight As Long
Dim iControl As Integer
Dim nWidthChange As Double, _
nHeightChange As Double
Dim bIsLineControl As Boolean
Dim cControl As Control
If (mbIsFirstTime) Then
Call SaveInitialState
Exit Sub
End If
' If the form is minimized, there's nothing to do
If (mfSourceForm.WindowState = vbMinimized) Then Exit Sub
' Calculate the change in form size
nDeltaWidth = mfSourceForm.ScaleWidth - mnLastWidth
nDeltaHeight = mfSourceForm.ScaleHeight - mnLastHeight
nHeightChange = mfSourceForm.ScaleHeight / mnLastHeight
nWidthChange = mfSourceForm.ScaleWidth / mnLastWidth
For iControl = LBound(matControlPos) To UBound(matControlPos)
Set cControl = matControlPos(iControl).cControl
With cControl
' Test whether this is a line control; If it is,
' we need to set its X1, X2, Y1, Y2 properties instead of the
' usual .Top, .Left, .Height, .Width properties
If (TypeOf cControl Is VB.Line) Then
bIsLineControl = True
' Not a line control
bIsLineControl = False
End If
On Error GoTo errScaleControls
' See if the control has specified which attributes can be changed
sFlags = UCase(.Tag)
' If none specified, assume all
If (sFlags = "") Then sFlags = "@T,H,L,W"
' If Tag property is used for something else, assume all
If (Left$(sFlags, 1) <> "@") Then sFlags = "@T,H,L,W"
' Resize/Reposition the control
If (bIsLineControl) Then
' Line control
If (InStr(sFlags, "T")) Then .Y1 = (matControlPos(iControl).nTop * nHeightChange)
If (InStr(sFlags, "H")) Then .Y2 = (matControlPos(iControl).nHeight * nHeightChange)
If (InStr(sFlags, "L")) Then .X1 = (matControlPos(iControl).nLeft * nWidthChange)
If (InStr(sFlags, "W")) Then .X2 = (matControlPos(iControl).nWidth * nWidthChange)
' All other controls
If (InStr(sFlags, "T")) Then .Top = (matControlPos(iControl).nTop * nHeightChange)
If (InStr(sFlags, "H")) Then .Height = (matControlPos(iControl).nHeight * nHeightChange)
If (InStr(sFlags, "L")) Then .Left = (matControlPos(iControl).nLeft * nWidthChange)
If (InStr(sFlags, "W")) Then .Width = (matControlPos(iControl).nWidth * nWidthChange)
End If
' nTextHeight = 0
' nTextHeight = mfSourceForm.TextHeight(.Caption)
' If Not nTextHeight Then nTextHeight = mfSourceForm.TextHeight(.Text)
' If (nTextHeight > .Height) Then
' .Height = mfSourceForm.TextHeight(.Caption) * 1.2
' .Height = mfSourceForm.TextHeight(.Text) * 1.2
' End If
End With
Next iControl
Exit Sub
' If the Left, Top, Height or Width property is read-only, skip to next line;
' Otherwise, skip the control entirely
If (Err.Number = 383 Or Err.Number = 387 Or Err.Number = 393 Or Err.Number = 438) Then Resume Next
Resume skipControl
End Sub
' Method: SizeToScreen()
' Size the form relative to the current screen resolution
' Params: Percentage of total screen size to use for the form size
Public Sub SizeFormToScreen(nPercent As Integer)
Dim w As Long, _
h As Long
w = Int(Screen.Width * (nPercent / 100))
h = Int(Screen.Height * (nPercent / 100))
mfSourceForm.Width = w
mfSourceForm.Height = h
End Sub
' Method: ReInitialize()
' ReInitialize Method; This method should be called if:
' a) You programmatically change the form size at runtime;
' b) You add or remove controls to/from the form at runtime
' Recreates the matControlPos() array and saves the current form
' information
Public Sub ReInitialize()
Call SaveInitialState
End Sub
' Class instance initialization; Initialize module-scope variables
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
mbIsFirstTime = True
mnLastWidth = 0
mnLastHeight = 0
Set mfSourceForm = Nothing
End Sub
' Save the initial state of the form and controls attached to this class
' instance
Private Sub SaveInitialState()
Call SaveFormInfo
Call SaveControlInfo
End Sub
' Save form width and height
Private Sub SaveFormInfo()
' Take a snapshot of the form's initial position and size
With mfSourceForm
If (TypeOf mfSourceForm Is MDIForm) Then
mnLastWidth = .Width
mnLastHeight = .Height
mnLastWidth = .ScaleWidth
mnLastHeight = .ScaleHeight
End If
End With
End Sub
' Save state information for each control on the form
' We only save info for controls that have a Visible property
Private Sub SaveControlInfo()
Dim cControl As Control
Dim bCanSetLeft As Boolean, _
bCanSetTop As Boolean, _
bCanSetWidth As Boolean, _
bCanSetHeight As Boolean, _
bHasVisibleProp As Boolean, _
bHasCaptionProp As Boolean, _
bHasTextProp As Boolean, _
bTemp As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Erase matControlPos
' Loop through each control on the form...
For Each cControl In mfSourceForm.Controls
bCanSetLeft = True
bCanSetTop = True
bCanSetWidth = True
bCanSetHeight = True
bHasVisibleProp = True
bHasCaptionProp = True
bHasTextProp = True
With cControl
' Test whether control has a Visible property
On Error GoTo errNoVisibleProp
bTemp = .Visible
On Error GoTo 0
' If control has visible property, save its info in an array
If (bHasVisibleProp) Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve matControlPos(1 To i)
Set matControlPos(i).cControl = cControl
' If this is a Line control...
If (TypeOf cControl Is VB.Line) Then
' ... then this is a special case 'cause its position
' is specified by different properties than normal
matControlPos(i).nLeft = .X1
matControlPos(i).nTop = .Y1
matControlPos(i).nWidth = .X2
matControlPos(i).nHeight = .Y2
' This is not a Line control
On Error Resume Next
matControlPos(i).nLeft = .Left
matControlPos(i).nTop = .Top
matControlPos(i).nWidth = .Width
matControlPos(i).nHeight = .Height
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
End With
Next cControl
mbIsFirstTime = False
Exit Sub
bHasVisibleProp = False
Resume Next
End Sub