you enter a word, or whatever else you want and it brings up a definition, or something else.Note: Saves into the registry key: HKEY_Current_UserSoftwareVB and VBA Program Setting whatever you set the path to
Original Author: Tyler Robbins
create 4 textboxes name them:
AddName, AddDefine, definition, Word
create 1 label, label3 (make its caption blank)
make 2 command buttons
name them:
LookUp, AddWord
Private Sub AddWord_Click()
SaveSetting "Dictionary", "Definitions", AddName, AddDefine 'Saves Your Entry In The Registry
AddName = ""
AddDefine = ""
MsgBox ("Entry Saved")
End Sub
Private Sub LookUp_Click()
Label3.Caption = Word & " Means:"
definition = GetSetting("Dictionary", "Definitions", Word) 'Gets the entry from the registry
If definition = "" Then definition = "No Entry Found" 'if no entry found then it tells you
End Sub