Takes a roman number and convert into decimal.
Original Author: Francesco Meani
Inputs a roman number.
Returns a decimal number.
API Declarations
Option Explicit
'Valid roman numerals and their values
Private Const M = 1000
Private Const D = 500
Private Const C = 100
Private Const L = 50
Private Const X = 10
Private Const V = 5
Private Const I = 1
Private Function IsRoman(ByVal numr As String) As Boolean
'This function is given a character and returns true if it is
'a valid roman numeral, false otherwise.
'Convert digit to UpperCase
numr = UCase(numr)
'Test the digit
Select Case numr
Case "M"
IsRoman = True
Case "D"
IsRoman = True
Case "C"
IsRoman = True
Case "L"
IsRoman = True
Case "X"
IsRoman = True
Case "V"
IsRoman = True
Case "I"
IsRoman = True
Case Else
IsRoman = False
End Select
End Function
Private Function ConvertRoman(ByVal numr As String) As String
'This function is given a roman numeral and returns its value.
'NULL is returned if the character is not valid
Dim digit As Integer
'Convert digit to UpperCase
numr = UCase(numr)
'Convert the digit
Select Case numr
Case "M"
digit = M
Case "D"
digit = D
Case "C"
digit = C
Case "L"
digit = L
Case "X"
digit = X
Case "V"
digit = V
Case "I"
digit = I
Case Else
digit = vbNull
End Select
'And return its value
ConvertRoman = digit
End Function
Public Function GetRoman(ByVal numr As String) As String
'This function reads the next number in roman numerals from the input
'and returns it as an integer
Dim rdigit As String
Dim num As Long
Dim DigValue As Long
Dim LastDigValue As String
Dim j As Long
j = 1
num = 0
LastDigValue = M
'Get the first digit
rdigit = Mid(numr, j, 1)
'While it is a roman digit
Do While IsRoman(rdigit)
'Convert roman digit to its value
DigValue = ConvertRoman(rdigit)
'If previous digit was a prefix digit
If DigValue > LastDigValue Then
'Adjust total
num = num - 2 * LastDigValue + DigValue
'Otherwise accumulate the total
num = num + DigValue
'Save this digit as previous
LastDigValue = DigValue
End If
'Get next digit
j = j + 1
rdigit = Mid(numr, j, 1)
'End of the string detected, exit
If Len(rdigit) = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
'Return the number
GetRoman = num
End Function