Converts Hex [0 – FFFFFFFF] to Decimal [0 – 4294967295] using Currency type to avoid the sign bit.
Original Author: Larry Serflaten
A valid 1-8 character Hex String
A Currency value in the range of 0 – 4294967295
Function ConvertHex (H$) As Currency
Dim Tmp$
Dim lo1 As Integer, lo2 As Integer
Dim hi1 As Long, hi2 As Long
Const Hx = "&H"
Const BigShift = 65536
Const LilShift = 256, Two = 2
Tmp = H
'In case "&H" is present
If UCase(Left$(H, 2)) = "&H" Then Tmp = Mid$(H, 3)
'In case there are too few characters
Tmp = Right$("0000000" & Tmp, 8)
'In case it wasn't a valid number
If IsNumeric(Hx & Tmp) Then
lo1 = CInt(Hx & Right$(Tmp, Two))
hi1 = CLng(Hx & Mid$(Tmp, 5, Two))
lo2 = CInt(Hx & Mid$(Tmp, 3, Two))
hi2 = CLng(Hx & Left$(Tmp, Two))
ConvertHex = CCur(hi2 * LilShift + lo2) * BigShift + (hi1 * LilShift) + lo1
End If
End Function