Convert currency numbers into text

By | 2002-06-01

This function converts numbers (currency) to words including cent
conversion and cent rounding.
Note: ms stores 4 decimal positions internally but displays only 2.
In a lot of number to word functions this is not handled and can cause
erroneous values… this function corrects for this situation.

Original Author: Newsgroup Posting


Create a module and copy all the below functions into
To use: Create a “text box” wide enough to hold the converted word
in the “control source” property add:
The [grand total] can be any numeric field.


'*** This is the main function call
  Function NumToWord (numval)
   Dim NTW, NText, dollars, cents, NWord, totalcents As String
   Dim decplace, TotalSets, cnt, LDollHold As Integer
   ReDim NumParts(9) As String  'Array for Amount (sets of three)
   ReDim Place(9) As String   'Array containing place holders
   Dim LDoll As Integer     'Length of the Dollars Text Amount

   Place(2) = " Thousand "    '
   Place(3) = " Million "    'Place holder names for money
   Place(4) = " Billion "    'amounts
   Place(5) = " Trillion "    '

   NTW = ""           'Temp value for the function
   NText = round_curr(numval)  'Roundup the cents to eliminate
cents gr 2
   NText = Trim(Str(NText))   'String representation of amount
   decplace = InStr(Trim(NText), ".")'Position of decimal 0 if none
   dollars = Trim(Left(NText, IIf(decplace = 0, Len(numval),
- 1)))
   LDoll = Len(dollars)
   cents = Trim(Right(NText, IIf(decplace = 0, 0, Abs(decplace -
   If Len(cents) = 1 Then
     cents = cents & "0"
   End If
   If (LDoll Mod 3) = 0 Then
     TotalSets = (LDoll 3)
     TotalSets = (LDoll 3) + 1
   End If
   cnt = 1
   LDollHold = LDoll
   Do While LDoll > 0
     NumParts(cnt) = IIf(LDoll > 3, Right(dollars, 3),
     dollars = IIf(LDoll > 3, Left(dollars, (IIf(LDoll < 3, 3,
LDoll)) - 3), "")
     LDoll = Len(dollars)
     cnt = cnt + 1
   For cnt = TotalSets To 1 Step -1   'step through NumParts
     NWord = GetWord(NumParts(cnt))  'convert 1 element of
     NTW = NTW & NWord         'concatenate it to temp
     If NWord <> "" Then NTW = NTW & Place(cnt)
   Next cnt               'loop through
   If LDollHold > 0 Then
     NTW = NTW & " DOLLARS and "    'concatenate text
     NTW = NTW & " NO DOLLARS and "  'concatenate text
   End If
   totalcents = GetTens(cents)     'Convert cents part to word
   If totalcents = "" Then totalcents = "NO" 'Concat NO if cents=0
   NTW = NTW & totalcents & " CENTS"  'Concat Dollars and Cents
   NumToWord = NTW           'Assign word value to
End Function


' The following function converts a number from 1 to 9 to text
  Function GetDigit (Digit)
   Select Case Val(Digit)
     Case 1: GetDigit = "One"   '
     Case 2: GetDigit = "Two"   '
     Case 3: GetDigit = "Three"  '
     Case 4: GetDigit = "Four"   ' Assign a numeric word value
     Case 5: GetDigit = "Five"   ' based on a single digit.
     Case 6: GetDigit = "Six"   '
     Case 7: GetDigit = "Seven"  '
     Case 8: GetDigit = "Eight"  '
     Case 9: GetDigit = "Nine"   '
     Case Else: GetDigit = ""   '
   End Select
  End Function 'End function GetDigit - return to calling program
' The following function converts a number from 10 to 99 to text
  Function GetTens (tenstext)
   Dim GT As String
   GT = ""      'null out the temporary function value
   If Val(Left(tenstext, 1)) = 1 Then  ' If value between 10-19
     Select Case Val(tenstext)
      Case 10: GT = "Ten"      '
      Case 11: GT = "Eleven"     '
      Case 12: GT = "Twelve"     '
      Case 13: GT = "Thirteen"    ' Retrieve numeric word
      Case 14: GT = "Fourteen"    ' value if between ten and
      Case 15: GT = "Fifteen"    ' nineteen inclusive.
      Case 16: GT = "Sixteen"    '
      Case 17: GT = "Seventeen"   '
      Case 18: GT = "Eighteen"    '
      Case 19: GT = "Nineteen"    '
      Case Else
     End Select
   Else                 ' If value between 20-99
     Select Case Val(Left(tenstext, 1))

      Case 2: GT = "Twenty "     '
      Case 3: GT = "Thirty "     '
      Case 4: GT = "Forty "     '
      Case 5: GT = "Fifty "     ' Retrieve value if it is
      Case 6: GT = "Sixty "     ' divisible by ten
      Case 7: GT = "Seventy "    ' excluding the value ten.
      Case 8: GT = "Eighty "     '
      Case 9: GT = "Ninety "     '
      Case Else
     End Select

     GT = GT & GetDigit(Right(tenstext, 1)) 'Retrieve ones place
   End If
   GetTens = GT           ' Assign function return value.
End Function

' The following function converts a number from 0 to 999 to text
  Function GetWord (NumText)
   Dim GW As String, x As Integer
   GW = ""            'null out temporary function value
   If Val(NumText) > 0 Then
     For x = 1 To Len(NumText) 'loop the length of NumText times
      Select Case Len(NumText)
        Case 3:
         If Val(NumText) > 99 Then
           GW = GetDigit(Left(NumText, 1)) & " Hundred "
         End If
         NumText = Right(NumText, 2)
        Case 2:
         GW = GW & GetTens(NumText)
         NumText = ""
        Case 1:
         GW = GetDigit(NumText)
        Case Else
      End Select
     Next x
   End If
   GetWord = GW 'assign function return value
  End Function   'End function GetWord - Return to calling program

Function round_curr (currValue)
'  This rounds any currency field
  round_curr = Int(currValue * FACTOR + .5) / FACTOR
End Function

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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