useful when you need to center an MDI child form within the parent windo
Original Author: Chris Gibbs
The SUB (CenterChild) requires two arguments. The first of these two arguments is the name of the MDI (parent) form. The second argument is the name of the MDI Child form.
Sub CenterChild (Parent As Form, Child As Form)
Dim iTop As Integer
Dim iLeft As Integer
If Parent.WindowState <> 0 Then Exit Sub
iTop = ((Parent.Height - Child.Height) 2)
iLeft = ((Parent.Width - Child.Width) 2)
Child.Move iLeft, iTop ' (This is more efficient than setting Top and Left properties)
End Sub
The next thing you will need to do is actually call the CenterChild procedure. I have placed the call to CenterChild within the child window's Form_Click event procedure.
Sub Form_Click ()
CenterChild MDIForm1, Form1
End Sub