
By | 2002-06-01

Draws a B-Spline over a PictureBox while the user inputs a series of points with the mouse.
It also allows to drag the Control Points of the B-Spline to modify it

Original Author: Federico Rahal


‘Create a new project, Project1 is created by default
‘Add a new module and name it modSpline

‘Change the name of Form1 to frmSpline
‘Add a PictureBox, this is where you are going to draw the Spline
‘Change the following properties of Picture1:
‘ Name= picDraw
‘ ScaleMode = 3 ‘Pixels
‘ BackColor = vbWhite
‘Add also the following
‘ Two Option Buttons:
‘ OpMode(0) and OpMode(1)
‘ Opmode(0).Caption = “Move”
‘ Opmode(1).Caption = “Draw”

‘Add One Command Button named cmdClear
‘ Caption = “Clear”
‘Add Three Labels
‘ Name=lblT
‘ Caption=”Degree T”
‘ Name=lblRes
‘ Caption=”Resolution”
‘ Name=lblLen
‘ Caption=”Spline Length”
‘Inside the pictureBox add one label:
‘ Name=lblGrip
‘ Index = 0 ‘Very important
‘ BackColor = vbRed
‘ Height = 3
‘ Width = 3
‘ Visible = False
‘Add a ComboBox
‘ Name=cboDegree
‘ Style = 2 ‘DropDownList
‘Add a TextBox Named txtRes:
‘ Text =”5″

‘Add a menu ‘ Edit mnuEdit
‘and a subitem Delete mnuDelete
‘Set the visible property of mnuEdit to False


‘Returns the Outp() array filled with the points along the b-Spline


'Add the following code to modSpline
Option Explicit
Public Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type
Public inp() As POINTAPI
Public outp() As POINTAPI
Public N As Integer
Public T As Integer
Public RESOLUTION As Integer
' Example of how to call the spline functions
' Basically one needs to create the control points, then compute
' the knot positions, then calculate points along the curve.
'1. You have to define two arrays of the Type POINTAPI
' 'Dim inp() As POINTAPI, outp() as POINTAPI
'2. Define te array of Knots as integer
' 'Dim knots() As Integer
' Define Three more variables
' N as integer : number of entries in inp()-1 '
' T as integer : The blending factor usually 3
'  a value of 2 draws the polyline
' RESOLUTION as integer : The number of segments in which the whole
'  spline will be divided
'  I prefer to calculate the resolution after the inp() array is filled
'  that's a way to ensure a proper resolution
'   e.g resolution = 10 * N or
'  you can enter a constant resolution regardless of the length of the
'  of the spline e.g RESOLUTION = 200
'3. Fill the input array either by code or interactively by clicking
' in the destination form or picturebox
'4. Once you have the filled inp() array, you have to fill the rest of the variables
' N = UBound(inp) - 1
' T=3
' Redim knots(N + T + 1)
' Redim outp(RESOLUTION)
' Now it's time to call the Functions
' Call SplineKnots(knots(), N, T)
' Call SplineCurve(inp(), N, knots(), T, outp(), RESOLUTION)
' SplineCurve Returns outp() filled with the points along the Spline
' To draw the spline do the following:
'Dim i as integer
'For i = 0 To RESOLUTION
'  Form1.Picture1.Line (outp(i-1).x, outp(i-1).y) - (outp(i).x, outp(i).y)
' That's all to it. Enjoy!
'This returns the point "output" on the spline curve.
'The parameter "v" indicates the position, it ranges from 0 to n-t+2
Private Function SplinePoint(u() As Integer, N As Integer, T As Integer, v As Single, Control() As POINTAPI, output As POINTAPI)
Dim k As Integer
Dim b As Single
output.X = 0: output.Y = 0 ': output.Z = 0

For k = 0 To N
b = SplineBlend(k, T, u(), v)
  output.X = output.X + Control(k).X * b
  output.Y = output.Y + Control(k).Y * b
  'for a 3D b-Spline use the following
  ' output.Z = output.Z + Control(k).Z * b
End Function
'Calculate the blending value, this is done recursively.
'If the numerator and denominator are 0 the expression is 0.
'If the deonimator is 0 the expression is 0
Private Function SplineBlend(k As Integer, T As Integer, u() As Integer, v As Single) As Single
Dim value As Single
If T = 1 Then
  If (u(k) <= v And v < u(k + 1)) Then
   value = 1
   value = 0
  End If
  If ((u(k + T - 1) = u(k)) And (u(k + T) = u(k + 1))) Then
   value = 0
  ElseIf (u(k + T - 1) = u(k)) Then
   value = (u(k + T) - v) / (u(k + T) - u(k + 1)) * SplineBlend(k + 1, T - 1, u, v)
  ElseIf (u(k + T) = u(k + 1)) Then
   value = (v - u(k)) / (u(k + T - 1) - u(k)) * SplineBlend(k, T - 1, u, v)
   value = (v - u(k)) / (u(k + T - 1) - u(k)) * SplineBlend(k, T - 1, u, v) + _
     (u(k + T) - v) / (u(k + T) - u(k + 1)) * SplineBlend(k + 1, T - 1, u, v)
  End If
End If

SplineBlend = value
End Function
' The positions of the subintervals of v and breakpoints, the position
' on the curve are called knots. Breakpoints can be uniformly defined
' by setting u(j) = j, a more useful series of breakpoints are defined
' by the function below. This set of breakpoints localises changes to
' the vicinity of the control point being modified.
Public Sub SplineKnots(u() As Integer, N As Integer, T As Integer)
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To N + T
  If j < T Then
   u(j) = 0
  ElseIf (j <= N) Then
   u(j) = j - T + 1
  ElseIf (j > N) Then
   u(j) = N - T + 2
  End If
End Sub
' Create all the points along a spline curve
' Control points "inp", "n" of them. Knots "knots", degree "t".
' Ouput curve "outp", "res" of them.
Public Sub SplineCurve(inp() As POINTAPI, N As Integer, knots() As Integer, T As Integer, outp() As POINTAPI, res As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim interval As Single, increment As Single
interval = 0
increment = (N - T + 2) / (res - 1)
For i = 0 To res - 1 '{
  Call SplinePoint(knots(), N, T, interval, inp(), outp(i))
  interval = interval + increment
  outp(res - 1) = inp(N)
End Sub
'EOF() module modSpline
'The following code goes in frmSpline
Option Explicit
Dim selGrip As Label
Dim mode As Integer
Private Sub cboDegree_Click()
If Not Me.Visible Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
Dim i As Integer
lblGrip(0).Visible = False
For i = 1 To lblGrip.UBound
Unload lblGrip(i)
ReDim inp(0)
N = 0
lblLen = "Spline Length: 0"
cboDegree.Enabled = False
txtRes.Enabled = False

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
With cboDegree
.AddItem "1"
.AddItem "2"
.AddItem "3"
.AddItem "4"
.AddItem "5"
.ListIndex = 2
.Enabled = False
End With
End Sub
Private Sub mnuDelete_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub OpMode_Click(Index As Integer)
mode = Index
End Sub
Private Sub lblGrip_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Set selGrip = lblGrip(Index)
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
PopupMenu mnuEdit
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PicDraw_DragOver(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single, State As Integer)
Source.Move X, Y
inp(Source.Index).X = X
inp(Source.Index).Y = Y
End Sub
Private Sub PicDraw_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'Dim tmp As Integer
Static sErase As Boolean
If Button = vbRightButton Then Exit Sub
If mode = 1 Then 'Drawing mode
ReDim Preserve inp(N)
inp(N).X = X: inp(N).Y = Y
If N > 0 Then Load lblGrip(N)
With lblGrip(N)
  .Move X - .Width 2, Y - .Height 2
  .Visible = True
End With

N = N + 1
If N >= 3 Then
cboDegree.Enabled = True
txtRes.Enabled = True

If sErase Then eraseSpline
  sErase = True
End If
End If
Set selGrip = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub DrawSpline()
Dim i As Integer
Dim knots() As Integer
Dim sLen As Single
Dim h!, d!
Dim sRes As Integer
T = CInt(cboDegree.ListIndex + 1)

ReDim knots(N + T) '+ 1)
' tmp = UBound(knots)
ReDim outp(sRes)
Call SplineKnots(knots(), N - 1, T)
Call SplineCurve(inp(), N - 1, knots(), T, outp(), sRes)

'Calculate the length of each segment
'and draw it
For i = 1 To (sRes) - 1
  d = Abs(outp(i).X - outp(i - 1).X)
  h = Abs(outp(i).Y - outp(i - 1).Y)
  sLen = sLen + Sqr(d ^ 2 + h ^ 2)
  frmSpline.PicDraw.Line (outp(i - 1).X, outp(i - 1).Y)-(outp(i).X, outp(i).Y), vbBlack
lblLen = "Spline Length:" & CInt(sLen) & " Pixels"
End Sub
Private Sub eraseSpline()
On Local Error Resume Next
'If the Outp() array isn't initialized goto error routine
Dim i As Integer
Dim aLen As Integer
aLen = UBound(outp)
If Err = 0 Then
For i = 1 To aLen
  frmSpline.PicDraw.Line (outp(i - 1).X, outp(i - 1).Y)-(outp(i).X, outp(i).Y), PicDraw.BackColor

End If

Err = 0
On Local Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub txtRes_LostFocus()
RESOLUTION = CInt(txtRes.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub delGrip()
Dim newInp() As POINTAPI
Dim i As Integer, apos As Integer
Dim idx As Integer
ReDim newInp(UBound(inp) - 1)
idx = selGrip.Index
For i = 0 To UBound(inp)
If i <> 0 Then Unload lblGrip(i)
If i <> idx Then
  newInp(apos) = inp(i)
  apos = apos + 1
End If
ReDim inp(UBound(newInp))
For i = 0 To UBound(newInp)
If i <> 0 Then Load lblGrip(i)
With lblGrip(i)
  .Move newInp(i).X - (.Width 2), newInp(i).Y - (.Height 2)
  .Visible = True
End With
inp(i) = newInp(i)
N = UBound(inp) + 1
End Sub
'EOF() frmSpline Code

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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