ADVANCED Cache Password Recovery

By | 2002-06-01

Recovers ALL passwords from the cache.

Original Author: Demian Net

API Declarations

‘Put In .BAS File
Declare Function WNetEnumCachedPasswords Lib “mpr.dll” (ByVal s As String, ByVal i As Integer, ByVal b As Byte, ByVal proc As Long, ByVal l As Long) As Long
‘The Type declaration used by WNetEnumCachedPasswords
cbEntry As Integer ‘size of this returned structure in bytes
cbResource As Integer ‘size of the resource string, in bytes
cbPassword As Integer ‘size of the password string, in bytes
iEntry As Byte ‘entry position in PWL file
nType As Byte ‘type of entry
abResource(1 To 1024) As Byte ‘buffer to hold resource string, followed by password string
‘should this be bigger?
End Type
‘The main routines
Public Function callback(X As PASSWORD_CACHE_ENTRY, ByVal lSomething As Long) As Integer
Dim nLoop As Integer
Dim cString As String
Dim ccomputer
Dim Resource As String
Dim ResType As String
Dim Password As String
ResType = X.nType
‘cString = “Type: ” & X.nType
‘1 = domains?
‘4 = mail/mapi clients?
‘6 = RAS entries?
’19 = iexplorer entries?
For nLoop = 1 To X.cbResource
If X.abResource(nLoop) <> 0 Then
cString = cString & Chr(X.abResource(nLoop))
cString = cString & ” “
End If
Resource = cString
‘cString = cString & ” Pwd: “
cString = “”
For nLoop = X.cbResource + 1 To (X.cbResource + X.cbPassword)
If X.abResource(nLoop) <> 0 Then
cString = cString & Chr(X.abResource(nLoop))
cString = cString & ” “
End If
Password = cString

cString = “”

‘Form1.List1.AddItem ResType

Form1.List1.AddItem ” ” & Resource & ” PASSWORD: ” & Password

callback = True
End Function
Public Sub GetPasswords()
Dim nLoop As Integer
Dim cString As String
Dim lLong As Long
Dim bByte As Byte
bByte = &HFF
nLoop = 0
lLong = 0
cString = “”
Call WNetEnumCachedPasswords(cString, nLoop, bByte, AddressOf callback, lLong)
End Sub


'Make a list box & name it List1
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call GetPasswords
End Sub

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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