This is a 4 function calculator with 8 – level memory, it performs calculations
Original Author: James Bergeron
Nothing, it works nicely
Values you calculated
Side Effects
None, I hope 🙂
API Declarations
Dim calcarray(0 To 3) As Double
Dim holder As Integer
Dim operation As Integer
Dim decicount As Integer
Dim newnum As Integer
Dim clearcount As Integer
Dim memstorebut(1 To 8) As Double
Dim location As Single
Private Sub clear_Click()
If clearcount = 0 Then
txtcal.Text = ""
clearcount = 1
calcarray(0) = 0
clearcount = 0
End If
decicount = 0
End Sub
Private Sub cmdInfo_Click()
Dim Sure As String
Sure = "Created By James Bergeron, For more info e-mail"
Rem Get results from the button click (action)
ButtonClicked = MsgBox(Sure, 0 + 256 + 32, "Info")
End Sub
Private Sub decimal_Click()
clearcount = 0
If decicount = 0 Then
txtcal.Text = txtcal.Text + decimal.Caption
decicount = 1
txtcal.Text = txtcal.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub digit_Click(Index As Integer)
If newnum = 1 Then
txtcal.Text = ""
txtcal.Text = txtcal.Text + digit(Index).Caption
calcarray(holder) = txtcal.Text
newnum = 0
txtcal.Text = txtcal.Text + digit(Index).Caption
calcarray(holder) = txtcal.Text
End If
clearcount = 0
End Sub
Private Sub equal_Click()
Select Case operation
Case 1
txtcal.Text = calcarray(holder - 1) + calcarray(holder)
calcarray(0) = txtcal.Text
Case 2
txtcal.Text = calcarray(holder - 1) - calcarray(holder)
calcarray(0) = txtcal.Text
Case 3
txtcal.Text = calcarray(holder - 1) * calcarray(holder)
calcarray(0) = txtcal.Text
Case 4
If calcarray(holder) = 0 Then
txtcal.Text = "Error, can't divide by 0"
txtcal.Text = calcarray(holder - 1) / calcarray(holder)
calcarray(0) = txtcal.Text
End If
Case Else
txtcal.Text = txtcal.Text
End Select
operation = 5
holder = 0
decicount = 0
newnum = 1
clearcount = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
operation = 0
location = 0
decicount = 0
End Sub
Private Sub memclear_Click()
clearcount = 0
For i = 1 To 8
memstorebut(i) = 0
Next i
location = 0
End Sub
Private Sub memrecall_Click()
clearcount = 0
newnum = 1
If location >= 1 Then
txtcal.Text = memstorebut(location)
calcarray(holder) = memstorebut(location)
memstorebut(location) = 0
location = location - 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub memstore_Click()
clearcount = 0
If location <= 7 And txtcal.Text > "" Then
location = location + 1
memstorebut(location) = txtcal.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mult_Click()
Call equal_Click
holder = holder + 1
operation = 3
End Sub
Private Sub plus_Click()
Call equal_Click
holder = holder + 1
operation = 1
End Sub
Private Sub div_Click()
Call equal_Click
holder = holder + 1
operation = 4
End Sub
Private Sub sub_Click()
Call equal_Click
holder = holder + 1
operation = 2
End Sub