This code allows you to have an autocomplete function on any text boxes by creating an instance of the class module below and setting a text control on a form to is CompleteTextbox property. Ideal for those situations when you have multiple autocompletes. (Visual Basic 6 Only – Can easily be modified for 5.0 users)
Original Author: dmbbob
Dim m_objAutoCompleteUser as clsAutoComplete
Set m_objAutoCompleteUser = New clsAutoComplete
With m_objAutoCompleteUser
.SearchList = m_strUserList
Set .CompleteTextbox = txtUser
.Delimeter = “,”
End With
Create a new class module.
Paste all the code below into it.
Rename the module to clsAutoComplete.
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents m_txtComplete As TextBox
Private m_strDelimeter As String
Private m_strList As String
Private Sub m_txtComplete_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSearchText As String
Dim intDelimented As Integer
Dim intLength As Integer
Dim varArray As Variant
With m_txtComplete
If KeyCode <> vbKeyBack And KeyCode > 48 Then
If InStr(1, m_strList, .Text, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
varArray = Split(m_strList, m_strDelimeter)
For i = 0 To UBound(varArray)
strSearchText = Trim(varArray(i))
If InStr(1, strSearchText, .Text, vbTextCompare) And
(Left$(.Text, 1) = Left$(strSearchText, 1)) And
.Text <> "" Then
.SelText = ""
.SelLength = 0
intLength = Len(.Text)
.Text = .Text & Right$(strSearchText, Len(strSearchText) - Len(.Text))
.SelStart = intLength
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Public Property Get CompleteTextbox() As TextBox
Set CompleteTextbox = m_txtComplete
End Property
Public Property Set CompleteTextbox(ByRef txt As TextBox)
Set m_txtComplete = txt
End Property
Public Property Get SearchList() As String
SearchList = m_strList
End Property
Public Property Let SearchList(ByVal str As String)
m_strList = str
End Property
Public Property Get Delimeter() As String
Delimeter = m_strDelimeter
End Property
Public Property Let Delimeter(ByVal str As String)
m_strDelimeter = str
End Property