Forgot your access 97 password?
Never fear this function will
hack the access 97 local file
Original Author: Tom Pickles
an access 97 file with local password set
I hope this code will end the commercial password recoverers
the password
API Declarations
Original code translated direct from c snippet by Casper Ridley
From the c code at
Turned into this nifty function by me =)
Function AccessPassword(Byval Filename As string) as string
Dim MaxSize, NextChar, MyChar, secretpos,TempPwd
Dim secret(13)
secret(0) = (&H86)
secret(1) = (&HFB)
secret(2) = (&HEC)
secret(3) = (&H37)
secret(4) = (&H5D)
secret(5) = (&H44)
secret(6) = (&H9C)
secret(7) = (&HFA)
secret(8) = (&HC6)
secret(9) = (&H5E)
secret(10) = (&H28)
secret(11) = (&HE6)
secret(12) = (&H13)
secretpos = 0
Open Filename For Input As #1 ' Open file for input.
For NextChar = 67 To 79 Step 1 'Read in Encrypted Password
Seek #1, NextChar ' Set position.
MyChar = Input(1, #1) ' Read character.
TempPwd = TempPwd & Chr(Asc(MyChar) Xor secret(secretpos)) 'Decrypt using Xor
secretpos = secretpos + 1 'increment pointer
Next NextChar
Close #1 ' Close file.
AccessPassword = TempPwd
End Function