A 3D cube with rotation and zoom in/out!

By | 2002-06-01

This program rotates a 3d cube to the 4 directions, using a translation code,
and also has a zoom in/out option (control it with: W, A, D, X, 1 & 2)

Original Author: Omer Kornitz


You have to create a Timer and left it named Timer1.


Dim ww As Integer
Dim Ixy_angle, Iz_angle, dYYshift, dXXshift, csx, csy As Integer
Dim cosa, cosb, sina, sinb, coscosba, cossinba, sincosba, sinsinba, zoom, pi180 As Double
'This is the translation function
Private Sub posxy(x1 As Double, y1 As Double, z1 As Double)
    Dim Yy, Xx As Double
    Yy = zoom / (10# - (z1 * cosb + y1 * sinsinba - x1 * sincosba))
    Xx = 100# * (1# + (y1 * cosa + x1 * sina) * Yy)
    csx = Int(dXXshift) + Int(Xx)
    Xx = 100# * (1# + (y1 * cossinba - x1 * coscosba - z1 * sinb) * Yy)
    csy = Int(dYYshift) + Int(Xx)
End Sub
Sub rollup()
     Iz_angle = (Iz_angle + 5)
     cosb = Cos(Iz_angle * pi180)
     sinb = Sin(Iz_angle * pi180)
     sinsinba = sinb * sina
     sincosba = sinb * cosa
     cossinba = sina * cosb
     coscosba = cosb * cosa
End Sub
Sub rolldown()
     Iz_angle = (Iz_angle - 5)
     cosb = Cos(Iz_angle * pi180)
     sinb = Sin(Iz_angle * pi180)
     sinsinba = sinb * sina
     sincosba = sinb * cosa
     cossinba = sina * cosb
     coscosba = cosb * cosa
End Sub
Sub rollright()
     Ixy_angle = (Ixy_angle - 5)
     cosa = Cos(Ixy_angle * pi180)
     sina = Sin(Ixy_angle * pi180)
     sinsinba = sinb * sina
     sincosba = sinb * cosa
     cossinba = sina * cosb
     coscosba = cosb * cosa
End Sub
Sub rollleft()
     Ixy_angle = (Ixy_angle + 5)
     cosa = Cos(Ixy_angle * pi180)
     sina = Sin(Ixy_angle * pi180)
     sinsinba = sinb * sina
     sincosba = sinb * cosa
     cossinba = sina * cosb
     coscosba = cosb * cosa
End Sub
'This subroutine identifies the code of the pressed key
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 97
  ww = 1
Case 100
  ww = 2
Case 119
  ww = 3
Case 120
  ww = 4
Case 49
  ww = 5
Case 50
  ww = 6
Case 27
  Unload Me

End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
pi180 = 0.01745392
Ixy_angle = 270
Iz_angle = 85
cosa = Cos(Ixy_angle * pi180)
sina = Sin(Ixy_angle * pi180)
cosb = Cos(Iz_angle * pi180)
sinb = Sin(Iz_angle * pi180)
sinsinba = sinb * sina
sincosba = sinb * cosa
cossinba = sina * cosb
coscosba = cosb * cosa
dYYshift = 80
dXXshift = 80
zoom = 6#
End Sub
'This subroutine draws the cube using the translation code
Sub NewPaint()
posxy -1, -1, -1: xxx = csx: yyy = csy:
posxy -1, 1, -1: Line (xxx, yyy)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15): x = csx: y = csy
posxy -1, 1, 1: Line (x, y)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15): x = csx: y = csy
posxy -1, -1, 1: Line (x, y)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15): Line (csx, csy)-(xxx, yyy), QBColor(15)
posxy 1, -1, -1: xxx = csx: yyy = csy:
posxy 1, 1, -1: Line (xxx, yyy)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15): x = csx: y = csy
posxy 1, 1, 1: Line (x, y)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15): x = csx: y = csy
posxy 1, -1, 1: Line (x, y)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15): Line (csx, csy)-(xxx, yyy), QBColor(15)

posxy 1, -1, -1: x = csx: y = csy: posxy -1, -1, -1: Line (x, y)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15)
posxy 1, -1, 1: x = csx: y = csy: posxy -1, -1, 1: Line (x, y)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15)
posxy 1, 1, 1: x = csx: y = csy: posxy -1, 1, 1: Line (x, y)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15)
posxy 1, 1, -1: x = csx: y = csy: posxy -1, 1, -1: Line (x, y)-(csx, csy), QBColor(15)
End Sub
'This subroutine reads the value of the next rotation / zoom
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Select Case ww
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5
zoom = zoom * 1.01
Case 6
zoom = zoom * 0.99
End Select
End Sub

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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